Friday, 17 May 2024

How to Save Passwords on Brave Browser

Are you tired of having to remember multiple passwords for all your online accounts? Do you want a convenient way to secure and access your login credentials on Brave Browser? Look no further as we show you how to save passwords on Brave Browser and enhance password security.

Understanding Password Management in Brave Browser

Before we dive into the specifics of saving passwords on Brave Browser, it’s important to understand why password management is crucial. With the increasing number of online accounts people create, having unique passwords for each account becomes challenging. This is where password managers come into play. They create and store complex passwords for you, making it easier to access your accounts securely without having to remember each password.

Importance of Secure Password Storage

Secure password storage is essential to protect your online accounts from hacking attempts and cyber threats. Weak passwords are the primary targets for hackers, making it crucial to use strong and unique passwords and store them securely. Fortunately, Brave Browser has a built-in password manager that can help you achieve this.

When you use a password manager, you don’t have to remember all your passwords, which can be challenging, especially if you have multiple accounts. Instead, you can store them all in one place, and the password manager will automatically fill them in for you when you need to log in to a website.

Another advantage of using a password manager is that it can generate strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. This means you don’t have to come up with a complex password yourself, which can be difficult to remember. A password manager can create a password that is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, making it virtually impossible for hackers to guess.

Built-in Password Manager in Brave

Once you start using Brave Browser, you’ll realize that the browser prompts you to save your login credentials automatically whenever you log in to a new website. This automated feature is part of Brave’s built-in password manager. The password manager is encrypted and stores your login details locally on your device and syncs them only if you choose to use Brave Sync.

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One of the benefits of using Brave’s built-in password manager is that it is easy to use. You don’t have to install any additional software or plugins. Everything is already built into the browser, making it a convenient option for users who want to manage their passwords without having to install any additional software.

Additionally, Brave’s password manager is secure. It encrypts your login details, making it difficult for anyone to access them without your permission. This means that even if someone gains access to your device, they won’t be able to access your login details without your master password.

Overall, using a password manager like Brave’s built-in password manager is an excellent way to keep your online accounts secure. By using strong, unique passwords and storing them securely, you can protect yourself from cyber threats and hacking attempts.

Setting Up Password Saving in Brave Browser

Now that you understand the importance of password management and the capabilities of Brave Browser’s password manager, let’s see how you can set it up.

Enabling the Password Saving Feature

To enable the password saving feature, click on the “Menu” icon located on the top-right corner of your browser, followed by “Settings.” Scroll down to “Autofill” and select “Passwords” to enable password saving. Once enabled, whenever you log in to a new website, Brave Browser will prompt you to store the login credentials.

Adding and Editing Saved Passwords

You can view all your saved passwords by clicking on the “Menu” icon, followed by “Settings,” then “Autofill,” and finally “Passwords.” To edit a password, click on the “three dots” icon next to the username and select “Edit” to make any necessary changes in the password details.

Deleting Saved Passwords

If you want to delete any saved passwords for websites you no longer use, you can do so by clicking on the “Menu” icon, followed by “Settings,” then “Autofill,” and finally “Passwords.” Select the password you want to delete and click on the “three dots” icon next to it. Choose “Remove” to delete the password from Brave Browser.

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Importing and Exporting Passwords

If you’re switching from another browser to Brave, you may want to import your existing passwords. Alternatively, you may want to export your passwords as a backup or to use them on another device. Here’s how you can do that.

Importing Passwords from Another Browser

To import passwords from another browser to Brave, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Menu” icon on the top-right corner, followed by “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to “Import bookmarks and settings” and select “Import bookmarks and settings”.
  3. Select the browser you want to import passwords from and choose “Password”.
  4. Click on “Import” to start the import process.

Exporting Passwords for Backup or Migration

To export your saved passwords, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Menu” icon on the top-right corner, followed by “Settings.”
  2. Scroll down to “Autofill” and select “Passwords”.
  3. Click on the “three dots” icon on the top-right corner and choose “Export passwords”.
  4. Enter your system login password to confirm the export action.
  5. Choose the file name and location for exporting the passwords.

Enhancing Password Security on Brave Browser

While Brave Browser’s password manager is a secure way to save and manage your passwords, there are additional ways to enhance password security.

Using Strong and Unique Passwords

Creating strong and unique passwords is the first step towards securing your online accounts. Choose long and complex passwords comprising of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoid using common phrases or personal information that may be easy to guess or hack.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor authentication is another layer of security that adds an extra security step before allowing access to your account. Enable two-factor authentication on your important accounts to protect them further.

Regularly Updating Your Passwords

Regularly updating your passwords is essential to prevent cyber threats continually. Change your passwords at least once every six months or if you feel your password may have been compromised.

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Alternative Password Management Solutions

While Brave Browser’s built-in password manager is a convenient solution, there are additional password management solutions available.

Third-Party Password Managers

Third-party password managers like LastPass, Dashlane, and KeePass, are popular solutions that can create and store secure passwords and synchronize them across multiple devices. They also offer additional features such as password strength analysis and password sharing.

Pros and Cons of Using External Password Managers

While third-party password managers may offer more features than Brave Browser’s built-in password manager, they do come with certain downsides. Their primary disadvantage is the risk of data breaches since they store your passwords on their servers, making them more vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, some of these services require a subscription fee, making them costlier than Brave Browser’s password management solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I enable password saving on Brave Browser?
A: To enable password saving, click on the “Menu” icon in the top-right corner, go to “Settings,” scroll down to “Autofill,” and select “Passwords.”

Q: Can I edit or delete saved passwords on Brave Browser?
A: Yes, you can edit or delete saved passwords by going to the “Menu” icon, then “Settings,” “Autofill,” and finally “Passwords.”

Q: How can I import passwords from another browser to Brave?
A: To import passwords, click on the “Menu” icon, then “Settings,” “Import bookmarks and settings,” and select the browser you want to import from.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Brave Browser’s password manager?
A: Yes, there are third-party password managers like LastPass, Dashlane, and KeePass that offer additional features but come with certain risks.


With the increasing number of online accounts we have, password management has become more crucial than ever. Brave Browser’s built-in password manager is an excellent solution for securing and managing your passwords conveniently. Additionally, using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly updating your passwords can further enhance password security. While alternative password managers may offer additional features, they come at a price of increased risk of data breaches and higher costs. To learn more about Eireview, visit Eireview.