Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Decrease Your Snapchat Score?‍

If you’re wondering how to lower your Snapchat score or hide it from others, you’ve come to the right place. The Snapchat score is a number that reflects the total number of snaps you’ve sent and received. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that can lower your Snapchat score and provide helpful tips on how to decrease it.

Understanding the Snapchat Score

Your Snapchat score is influenced by several factors, including the number of snaps you send and receive, the number of friends you have, and the number of users you’ve blocked or unfriended. To maintain a high score, it’s essential to stay active on the app, send and receive snaps regularly, and avoid blocking or unfriending users.

Snapchat Score

What Can Lower Your Snapchat Score?

Here are some actions that can lower your Snapchat score:

#1 Stop Sending Snaps

Your Snapchat score is based on the number of snaps you’ve sent and received. If you stop sending snaps, your score will no longer increase. The score is calculated by adding the number of snaps sent and received together. So, to decrease your score, simply reduce your snap activity.

#2 Unfriend People

Unfriending people will decrease the number of snaps you can send and receive, which will lower your score. Since the score is based on the total number of snaps sent and received, removing friends will reduce this count. Be cautious before unfriending someone, as it will permanently affect your score.

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#3 Block Users

Blocking users will prevent you from sending and receiving snaps from them, which can also lower your score. When you block someone, you won’t be able to exchange snaps, impacting the total number of snaps used to calculate your score. Avoid blocking users if you want to keep your score high.

#4 Make Your Account Private

By making your account private, you limit the number of people you can send and receive snaps from, leading to a decrease in your score. Since the score relies on the total number of snaps exchanged, making your account private restricts this interaction and subsequently lowers your score.

#5 Delete Your Snapchat Account

Deleting your Snapchat account will reset your score to zero. This is because all your snaps and streaks are deleted when you remove your account. The score is based on the number of snaps sent and received, so starting anew will naturally result in a zero score.

How to Increase Your Snapchat Score?

If you’re interested in increasing your Snapchat score, here are some tips:

  • Send and receive snaps regularly.
  • Post stories to engage with your friends.
  • Participate in Snapchat streaks to maintain consistent snap exchanges with friends.
  • Use filters and lenses on your snaps to add creativity and further engage your audience.

Remember, the higher your activity on the app, the higher your Snapchat score will be.

Snapchat Score Under Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Your Score on Snapchat Go Down?

Yes, your Snapchat score can go down if you delete snaps or lose streaks. Keep in mind that these actions will impact your total number of snaps sent and received, resulting in a decrease in your score.

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How Do I Reset My Snap Score?

There is no official way to reset your Snapchat score since it is based on the cumulative number of snaps you’ve sent and received. Your score reflects your activity on the platform.

How Long Does It Take for Your Snap Score to Go Down?

The time it takes for your Snapchat score to decrease can vary depending on your activity on the app and the number of snaps and streaks you lose. Regularly engaging with the app will help maintain a higher score.

Can Your Snap Score Go Up by 1?

Yes, your Snapchat score can increase by 1 point with each snap you send or receive.

What’s the Average Snap Score?

According to Thrive My Way, an ideal Snapchat score ranges from 50,000 to 200,000. However, it’s important to note that high Snapchat streaks also contribute to a higher score.

Is a Low Snap Score a Red Flag?

No, a low Snapchat score is not a red flag. It simply indicates that the user has not sent or received as many snaps as others.

How Do I Hide My Snapchat Score from Friends?

Unfortunately, you cannot hide your Snapchat score from friends. It is visible on your profile for all of your friends to see.

Why Can’t I See Someone’s Snapchat Score?

If you cannot see someone’s Snapchat score, it could be because they have their account set to private or they have unfriended or blocked you.

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Can You Remove the Snapchat Score?

No, you cannot remove your Snapchat score as it is based on the number of snaps sent and received.

What’s the Highest Snap Score?

According to Thrive My Way, the highest snap score belongs to a user named Dion-19, with a score of over 237 million.

Highest Snap Score

How Do You Hide Your Score on Snapchat?

You cannot hide your Snapchat score from everyone. However, to prevent a specific person from seeing your score, you can remove them as a friend on the Snapchat app.

Can You Change Your Snap Score?

No, you cannot manually change your Snapchat score. It is determined by the number of snaps you send and receive.

How Often Does Your Snap Score Reset?

Snapchat scores do not reset on a set schedule. They increase or decrease based on your activity on the app.


Understanding how the Snapchat score works and the factors that can lower or increase it is essential for any user. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can decrease your Snapchat score or aim for a higher score, depending on your preferences. Remember to stay active, engage with friends, and use Snapchat’s features to make the most out of the platform.

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