Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Fix “Cookie Check Failure” or “Cookie Nonce Invalid”

Welcome to Eireview – Extractive Industries Review! In this article, we will address an issue that many WordPress users have been facing lately – the “Cookie check failure” or “Cookie nonce invalid” error. If you’ve encountered this problem, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find out how to fix it.

How Does This Issue Occur?

When using a plugin that performs asynchronous queries (ajax requests), cookies are used for authentication. These cookies ensure that the requests are made by you and not by someone with malicious intent. However, some caching plugins can cache these cookies, leading to an error when they are used after expiration or right before expiration.

Identifying the Cause

It has been observed that this issue has become more prevalent after a recent update of WP Rocket. If you are using WP Rocket and experiencing the error, then it is likely the cause. However, similar problems could arise from other plugins or systems like Comodo (Application Firewall) or mod_security set by your hosting services.

How to Fix It?

The good news is that fixing this issue is relatively simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Disable the caching plugin temporarily while the problematic process is running. This will prevent the caching of the authentication cookies during that time.
  2. If you want to keep the caching plugin enabled, check the FAQ section of the plugin for guidance on how to resolve this specific error.
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Some popular caching plugins and their respective FAQ sections are as follows:

  • WP Fastest Cache: Set the cache limit.
  • WP Rocket: Set the cache limit.
  • W3 Total Cache: Check the Garbage Collection Interval.
  • WP Super Cache: Check the Garbage Collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which hosting service is known to cause this issue?
A: GoDaddy is one hosting service that easily triggers this issue. We don’t recommend using GoDaddy as it has a track record of problems. We would suggest exploring our recommended hosting services for a better experience.

Q: Have you resolved this issue?
A: We would love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments if you have successfully resolved the “Cookie check failure” or “Cookie nonce invalid” error.


We hope this article has helped you understand and resolve the “Cookie check failure” or “Cookie nonce invalid” error. Remember, it’s crucial to keep your plugins and systems up to date to avoid such issues. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy browsing!

Additional Note: Please visit Eireview for more information on the latest technology trends and updates.