Friday, 28 Jun 2024

The Ultimate List of Funny Passwords Ever Encountered

funny password ideas

Here it is, ladies, gentlemen, and rascals: the ultimate list of funny passwords ever encountered online! Browse through every funny idea someone ever had, delight yourself with funny face-palm moments from sysadmins, and smirk to your heart’s content!

Passwords are something we all struggle with. We need so many of them, and for security reasons, they need to be different. (If you’ve been using the same password for several accounts, I won’t judge you, but you need to fix this ASAP because you’re vulnerable to credential stuffing attacks).

A word of caution first: There are plenty of online blogs publishing similar lists of funny passwords or Wi-Fi user names and so on. Some users might feel encouraged to actually use these for their accounts when they lack inspiration for what password to set. Maybe you also think that if you set a funny password, it will be easier to remember it later on.

I cannot stress enough what a dangerous strategy this is. First of all, hackers are continuously trying out all account and password combos they can get their hands on. Just like in those credential stuffing attacks linked above. That means that once a password idea appeared in text form somewhere online, you can be sure it will get uploaded into a credential stuffing script sooner or later.

Second of all, if that password makes sense to the human mind (if it’s semantically logical), then it’s not a very secure one. Obviously, funny passwords aren’t made up of random strings of varied characters and numbers, such as security guidelines suggest. So, as much as I feel your frustration, I believe I should insist that you don’t pick an easy to remember but funny password. Here’s our password security guide for creating a strong password in case you don’t know where to start.

web comic xkcd about password strength

‘Password strength’, from my favorite webcomic source, XKCD.

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That being said, this doesn’t mean we can’t share a laugh about all the funny passwords that can be found online. Here are my absolute faves, compiled from all over the world wide web, from crazy stories from friends and coworkers and so on:

A. Passwords for really forgetful people

  1. password
  2. ineedapassword
  3. changeme
  4. secret
  5. iamforgetful
  6. newpassword
  7. IamACompleteIdiot
  8. nothing
  9. nothingagain
  10. iforgot
  11. whydoialwaysforget
  12. qwerty
  13. asdf
  14. aslpls (old-school mIRC users will remember this)
  15. user
  16. YouWontGuessThisOne
  17. PasswordShmashword
  18. youmoron
  19. doubleclick
  20. iamnottellingyoumypw
  21. masterpassword
  22. yetanotherpassword
  23. nomorepasswords
  24. password123
  25. myonlypassword
  26. cantremember
  27. dontaskdonttell
  28. memorysucks
  29. earlyalzheimers
  30. passwordforoldpeople

Do these all seem kind of dumb? I personally know of at least a few real-life examples of businesses which used one or more passwords from the list so far. But don’t judge! The truth is, we’re not meant to remember long strings of chars effortlessly. That’s why 2FA and password managers help.

B. Passwords with movie or pop culture references

  1. SayHelloToMyLittleFriend
  2. HastaLaVistaBaby
  3. IllBeBack
  4. ThereIsNoSpoon
  5. FranklyMyDear
  6. HappyBirthdayMrPresident
  7. WellAlwaysHaveParis
  8. GoAheadMakeMyDay
  9. NotInKansasAnymore
  10. TheForceIsStrongInThisOne
  11. ElementaryMyDearWatson
  12. MyPreciousssPasssword
  13. HoustonWeHaveAProblem
  14. LifeIsLikeABoxOfChocolates
  15. YouCantHandleThePassword
  16. NobodyPutsBabyInACorner
  17. YouHadMeAtPassword
  18. InternetTheFinalFrontier
  19. PasswordKarmaChameleon
  20. ChewieWereHome
  21. ImNoMan
  22. ThereCanOnlyBeOneImmortal
  23. HulkLikeRagingFireThorLikeSmolderingFire (obviously, considering the name of our Thor security product, this Marvel reference cracked us up the most)
  24. DontWorryBeHappy
  25. ForTheHorde
  26. IAmMrRobot
  27. WinterIsComing
  28. SpaceTrooper
  29. BeamMeUpScotty
  30. ISolemnlySwearImUpToNoGood (as a Potterhead I really love this one but I’ll refrain from using it, of course)

C. Passwords with brand references

  1. ColaColainsert random number here (believe it or not, this is one of the most common weak but funny passwords people use)
  2. BigMacforevah
  3. MacIsForWoosies
  4. TheAxeEffect
  5. Tastetherainbow
  6. justdoit
  7. HaveaBreakHaveaKitKat
  8. NoMoreRockyRoads
  9. Pepsinotcola
  10. ImsuchaGAPgirl
  11. CowabungaDude
  12. DontGoogleThis
  13. Ilovepopsicles
  14. MacLippies
  15. HakunaMatata
  16. MotherOfDragons
  17. TheOneAndOnlyKhaleesi
  18. AryaStarkWasHere
  19. FedoraTheExplorer
  20. XeroxThis
  21. NotOnMySwatch
  22. KentuckyFriedChicks
  23. WorksLikeAPandoraCharm
  24. JustNukeIt
  25. NokiaConnectingPeople
  26. AMacADayKeepsNoobsAway
  27. MyPapaWasARollingStone
  28. AreMilkaCowsReallyPurple
  29. FizzieFizzleSticks
  30. Bond007
  31. GuinessTheRealTasteiofIreland
  32. Corvette1313
  33. ChicagoBullsFan
  34. AlwaysAmericanApparel
  35. Playboy
  36. FerrariGolfer
  37. Oreocookies
  38. YabadabadooYahoo
  39. OldMacDonaldHadaBurger
  40. LOGGRedneck
  41. FasterThanFedEx
  42. TrailerParkIBMEngineer
  43. SellMySoulonEbay
  44. Amazonsonline
  45. LikeAVirginiaSlim
  46. WorldWildlifeFun
  47. Shellpitstop
  48. NoMoreBucksforStarbucks
  49. Disneymonster
  50. JingleTacoBells
  51. RollsAnotherRoyce
  52. FidelCastroCigars
  53. EssieFingerTips
  54. dragonballZ
  55. giants
  56. Marlboro
  57. Yamaha
  58. harleydavidson
  59. jaguar
  60. armaniman
  61. magnum
  62. broncos
  63. Nascar
  64. thunderbird
  65. doubletwix
  66. mustang
  67. diablo777
  68. devilwearsprada
  69. barnesandnoble

D. Passwords with musical references

  1. SmellsLikeNirvana
  2. KurtCobainWasHere
  3. Listentothesoundofsilence
  4. simonandgarfield
  5. DJphantomoftheopera
  6. gregorianchants (I love whoever thought of this one!)
  7. Beatles
  8. IAintNoHollabackGirl
  9. PrinceofAllPurpleRains
  10. StairwaytoHeaven
  11. SummertimeHapiness
  12. NothingElseMatters
  13. WeretheLordsoftheBoards
  14. BluejeanbabyLALady
  15. DieAntwoortPassword
  16. HelterSkelter66
  17. IbelieveIcanfly
  18. BornInTheUSofA
  19. TheGreenGreenGrassofHomepage
  20. CameinlikeaWr3kkB4ll
  21. GiveANametoAlltheAnimals
  22. LeonardodiCohen
  23. HitMeBaby1MoreTime
  24. HotelCaliforniaDreaming
  25. CottonEyeJoe
  26. Celticsounds
  27. HappyNation
  28. LaVieEnRose
  29. WakeMeUpSeptemberEnds
  30. Firestartah
  31. YYYDelilah
  32. BillieJeanNotMyGirl
  33. RockULikeaHurricane
  34. GalileoGalileo
  35. PutYourLightsOn
  36. BrimfulOfAsha45
  37. StillGotTheBlues
  38. StraightOuttaCompton
  39. Walktheline
  40. theramones
  41. IWishIwasaPunkRocker
  42. Another1BitestheDust
  43. EveryBreathYouTake
  44. lacrimosa
  45. requiem
  46. HelloMyNameIsDoctorGreenthumb
  47. IfIWasARichGirlNanana
  48. WhotheFisAlice
  49. ThieveryCorp
  50. BrickIntheWall
  51. RollOverBethoven
  52. 2princes
  53. GenesisPhil
  54. Ke$$a
  55. ImagineAllThePeople
  56. WaterlooSunset
  57. ISaidMaybe
  58. hallelujah
  59. GoodBeachVibrations
  60. FamilyAffair
  61. SultansOfSwing
  62. RiverDeepMountainHigh
  63. MarvinGayeFan
  64. ShouldIStayOrShouldIGo
  65. RealSlimShadyPlsStandUp
  66. BehindBlueEyes
  67. MyBabyWorksfrom9to5
  68. CloseMyEyesandCountto10
  69. 19thNervousBreakdown
  70. 50WaystoLeaveYourLover
  71. SummerOf69
  72. ICantGetNoSatisfaction
  73. SmoothCriminal
  74. LikeTheDesertsMissTheRain
  75. TooSexyForMyCat
  76. Route66
  77. DancingQueen
  78. SomebodyIUsedToKnow
  79. NewKidInTown
  80. Lambada
  81. CloudNo9
  82. BecauseYourGorgeous
  83. IGotThePower
  84. 1MilByciclesInBeijing
  85. ImBlueDaBaDee
  86. TeenageDirtBagBaby
  87. Anaconda
  88. OpaGangnamStyle
  89. FightForUrRightToParty
  90. HighwayToHell
  91. HadTheTimeOfMyLife
  92. CaroEmerald
  93. Back2Black
  94. TheyTried2MakeMeGoToRehab
  95. MyFathersGun
  96. RedHotChiliPipers
  97. Moby123
  98. PokerFace
  99. RadioGagaRadioGugu
  100. JustPushIt
  101. UmbrellaElaEla
  102. LoveOfMyLife
  103. LiquidNarc
  104. DontCallMyNameAlejandro
  105. LadyInRed
  106. AintNobodyLovesMeBetter
  107. ByTheRiverOfBabylon
  108. OhHackyDay
  109. NothingButMammals
  110. RussianRoulette
  111. KissOfFire
  112. IWillSurvive
  113. LadyGodiva
  114. AmazingGrace
  115. ShowMustGoOn
  116. CantHelpFalling
  117. IWillGoDownWithThisShip
  118. LikeARollingStone
  119. MeAndBobbyMcGee
  120. RowRowRowYourBoat
  121. TheDayTheMusicDied
  122. SameJeansOnFor4DaysNow
  123. DiamondsAndRust
  124. EyeOfTheTiger
  125. ItsTheFinalCountdown
  126. 6FootTallCameWithoutAWarning
  127. Barcarole
  128. WinnerTakesItAll
  129. Carmen
  130. MusicOfTheNight
  131. LikeAPrayer
  132. InMySecretLife
  133. StillLovinU
  134. TheUnforgiven
  135. WarriorsOfTheWorld
  136. NeverGonnaGiveUUp
  137. ManWhoSoldTheWorld
  138. LaIslaBonita
  139. LetItBe
  140. NoMoreILoveYous
  141. TheTimesTheyAreaChangin
  142. MadeItThroughTheWilderness
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E. Funny names and passwords for Wi-Fi networks

Funny Wi-Fi names (meant to jokingly freak out neighbors or anyone else looking to freeload, or simply for fun):

  1. FBISurveillanceVan
  2. Pretty_Fly_For_A_Wi-Fi
  3. IPronounceUManAndWifi
  4. IdentityTheftForFree
  5. It_burns_when_IP
  6. Troy_and_abed_in_the_modem
  7. TheLANBeforeTime
  8. LongHairedFreakyPeopleNeedNotApply
  9. ImUnderYourBed
  10. WuTangLAN
  11. WIFightTheInevitable
  12. SkynetGlobalDefenseNetwork
  13. Bill_Wi_The_Science_Fi
  14. ALannisterAlwaysSurfsTheNet
  15. FriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderLAN
  16. ClickHereforViruses
  17. MySonIsAHacker
  18. TellMyWifiLoveHer
  19. AllUrWifiRBelongToUs
  20. GoJihad (not a very politically correct one, but reported by other users as a funny Wi-Fi name meant to scare)
  21. ChtulhuIsMyBitch
  22. C:Virus.exe
  23. MomUsesThis1
  24. ConnectAndDie
  25. YoureDoneNow
  26. TopSecretNetwork
  27. PasswordIsPassword
  28. ComeAndCleanUpMyHouse
  29. WiFi10$PerMinute
  30. DontEvenTryIt
  31. Anonymouse
  32. RedHatHacker
  33. GetOffMyLawnYankee
  34. I_Can_See_Your_Pixels
  35. HeyYou
  36. CrazyCatLady
  37. SayMyName
  38. BondageClub
  39. HaHaNextTimeLockYourRouter
  40. HackersConference
  41. IKilledAManOnce
  42. GetYourOwnWiFiLosers
  43. TheBeavisAndButtheadResidence
  44. DavidCameron
  45. TheMysteryVan
  46. PaperAirplanes
  47. IHatePeopleWithAccents
  48. ClickToDonate
  49. IRSBackgroundCheck
  50. ZombieWedding
  51. YourHomeIsBugged
  52. TheyAreWatching
  53. NSAPhoneTapVan
  54. NoFreeInternetHereKeepLooking
  55. IfUBuildIt
  56. NoCreepyClownsHereHaha
  57. ZodiacLetters
  58. MrLecterLookingToHaveAFriendforDinner
  59. 99_Problems_But_WIFI_Aint1
  60. ICanHazWireless
  61. LookMaNoWires
  62. YourMusicIsAnnoying
  63. ShutYourDogUpAlready
  64. YouLostYourConnection
  65. VirusWiFi
  66. PorqueFi
  67. WhyFiWhyNot
  68. ToFiOrNotToFi
  69. StopSnooping
  70. TheInternetIsAssur
  71. ICanHearYouSnoreFromOverHere
  72. PleaseUseMe
  73. TakeBackTheEmpire
  74. 404NetworkUnavaillable
  75. ICanReadYourEmails
  76. LANofMilkAndHoney
  77. LANDownUnder
  78. ThePromisedLAN
  79. HugsForDrugs
  80. BillNyeTheRussianSpy
  81. TheFastAndTheCurious
  82. AskYoGirlAboutMe
  83. InternetNotUploaded
  84. AsFastAsInternetExplorer
  85. HairyPoppins
  86. SoyMilkBroflakes
  87. ToxicMacho
  88. OldHaciendaJefes
  89. TheBigKahuna
  90. BeenThereDoneThat
  91. Loading…
  92. NameAlreadyInUse
  93. Searching…
  94. NetworkNotFound…
  95. UmbrellaCorporation
  96. UDontNeedPantsfortheVictoryDance
  97. TheyLaughedAtMeSoIKilledThem
  98. Viruses_But_YOLO
  99. MalwareInside
  100. TheRussianGovernment

Funny Wi-Fi names and passwords (where the fun derives precisely from the combo):

  1. Wi-Fi Name: PeekABoo Wi-Fi Password: ISeeYou
  2. Wi-Fi Name: YouShallNotPass Wi-Fi Password: Runyoufools
  3. Wi-Fi Name: WhereDoUCYourselfin5Y Wi-Fi Password: TheInterviewIsALie
  4. Wi-Fi Name: TargetLocated Wi-Fi Password: RightBehindU
  5. Wi-Fi name: QuestionEverything Wi-Fi Password: Why?
  6. Wi-Fi name: MaybeShesBornWithIt Wi-Fi Password: MaybeItsCaffeine
  7. Wi-Fi name: NoMoreExcuses Wi-Fi Password: Sorry
  8. Wi-Fi name: IsthereaDoctorintheHouse Wi-Fi Password: DrHouse
  9. Wi-Fi name: WhoLetTheDogsOut Wi-Fi Password: hoohoohoo
  10. Wi-Fi name: TheShire Wi-Fi Password: FilthyHobbitses
  11. Wi-Fi name: CUL8R_Alligator Wi-Fi Password: AfterAWhileCrocodile
  12. Wi-Fi name: WhatMeatloafWontDoForLove Wi-Fi Password: That!
  13. Wi-Fi name: AliBabasCave Wi-Fi Password: OpenSesame
  14. Wi-Fi Name: MammaMia Wi-Fi Password: HereIGoAgain
  15. Wi-Fi Name: TonyStarksLAN Wi-Fi Password: PepperPotts
  16. Wi-Fi Name: VirusDistributionCenter Wi-Fi Password: DisHalf
  17. Wi-Fi Name: OutOfTheStone Wi-Fi Password: Excalibur
  18. Wi-Fi Name: IWillLoseMyTemper Wi-Fi Password: FoundIt
  19. Wi-Fi Name: HogwartsGreatHall Wi-Fi Password: AstronomyTower
  20. Wi-Fi Name: Wi-Fi Name: TheShire Wi-Fi Password: FilthyHobbitses
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F. Geeky passwords for wiseguys and wisegals

  1. Fishyredherring
  2. whistleblower101
  3. YouCantGuessThis
  4. SnowdenIntelInside
  5. BlackHatCat
  6. TheItchyAndScratchyShow
  7. Lagertha
  8. OneDoesNotSimplyLogIntoMordor
  9. DHARMAInitiative
  10. ZergersGonnaZerg
  11. SpeakFriendAndEnter
  12. PrincessofBelAir
  13. Irecodedthis3times
  14. ShiftingKeys
  15. MacheteDontPassword (Love this one!)
  16. snoopysecret
  17. testingtime
  18. OcuppyInternetStreet
  19. RaidersoftheLostDark
  20. BaldursGateway
  21. Rajastan895
  22. WhiteWalker
  23. WeForgotKevin
  24. TheyCallMeTrinity
  25. Cyberwinter
  26. SilentWinter
  27. NuclearDeath
  28. ToBoldlyGo
  29. TheVoyagerAppolo
  30. PlatinumConundrum
  31. BatmanAndRobbin
  32. HarleyQuinnForQueen
  33. MermaidsDontDoHomework
  34. IAmTheRealZuckerberg
  35. IKnowHowToSpell
  36. ICanTypeReallyFast
  37. TheElderMouseScrolls
  38. WorldOfNetcraft
  39. ThrallforWarchief
  40. Dirge! (WoW players will get this)
  41. gingereinstein
  42. yourdigitalfantasy
  43. QAsniper
  44. P@$$w0rd
  45. JackAndJillRunUpTheHill
  46. FoundaUnicornNamedItFluffy
  47. You&M=Serotonin
  48. MomFreudWouldBeProud
  49. TheyRWatching
  50. DropItLikeItsHotspot
  51. IAmSherlocked
  52. IAmLordVoldemort
  53. TheRedQueen (another lovely nod to ResidentEvil)
  54. MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto
  55. UnfinishedSentenc
  56. OP_rah
  57. CryptoLifehack
  58. HeresJ0hnnY
  59. 2SmokingBarrels
  60. ShowMeTheLANey
  61. NoMorePuns
  62. ComeInChosenOne
  63. NathanDrakeScalesWalls
  64. Gr34tPowerGr34tResponsability
  65. MakeLoveNotWarcraft
  66. 4chan$ucks
  67. KnightsOftheOldRepublik
  68. MakeStarcraftGreatAgain
  69. ChineseG$$ldFarmer
  70. HoboHoboGoblin
  71. FataMorgana
  72. EagleHasLanded
  73. 2$tupidWoofWoof
  74. DickDastardlyFlyBy
  75. NatashaRomanoffIsOff
  76. TheCaffeineBelt
  77. 3in4WontGetThis
  78. Z1ON0101 (A nod to Zion, the last human city in the Matrix movie trilogy)
  79. IAmHeisenberg
  80. lastoneisakeeper4real
  81. Cecinestpasunepassword
  82. LegendOfZelda
  83. TheCakeIsALie
  84. StillPlayAngband
  85. DarkSoulsMasochist

F. Funny passwords reported by sysadmins and other IT people

As a system admin, you sometimes have to ask people for their passwords, and many times the insights you get are crazy funny. Here are the best such stories on funny passwords, gathered up from sysadmins all over.

  1. A man going through a divorce had set his password to something like ‘DIEMcConnellDIE’, where ‘McConnell’ was the name of his wife’s divorce lawyer.
  2. A sysadmin who wanted to poke a bit of fun at a new team member routinely sets their initial password to ‘why’, resulting in hilarious dialogues. ‘What’s the password?’ / ‘Why’ / ‘Because I need to do work’ / ‘Why’ etc.
  3. A company’s sales department actually encouraged users to set their password to ‘sales’. Seriously. I hope I don’t need to stress again how dangerous such password-setting habits are.

advice to set your password to sales

  1. Another company was routinely setting new passwords to balls1. Talk about professionalism.

  2. Yohohoandabottleofrum (my personal fave from a sysadmin acquaintance).

How about you? What funny passwords did you encounter (or maybe even used yourself when you were an internet baby)?

If you’re sitting on top of a funny one you haven’t seen some variation of above, please do share in the comment field below. I’d really love to hear more!