Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

How to Show Users in PostgreSQL

postgres show users

In PostgreSQL, each user has a specific role in managing operations in the database. Sometimes, it can be challenging to find a user’s roles and privileges. To address this, PostgreSQL provides the “du” and “du+” statements to show the list of users along with their attributes and descriptions.

Method 1: Show Users in PostgreSQL via SQL Shell

To display the list of users, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SQL Shell.
  2. Provide the login information.
  3. Execute the following statement: du;

The “du” statement shows the list of all users/roles in the selected database.


To display the description of the role, use the following statement: du+;

Executing this statement will show additional information about the user’s roles.


This way, you can get the list of users with or without a description using the SQL Shell.

Method 2: Show Users in PostgreSQL via pgAdmin

To show the list of users using pgAdmin, follow these steps:

  1. Select the “Query Tool” option in pgAdmin.


  1. In the “Query” window, execute the following query: SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user;

The “SELECT” statement retrieves all user information from the database using “pg_catalog.pg_user”.


The result set will contain the names of all the users in the “usename” column. Here are the details of all the columns:

  • usename: Contains the name of users (postgres is the default database of PostgreSQL).
  • usesysid: Specifies the unique identification of users.
  • usecreatedb: Identifies the possibility of creating a database through boolean variables (true or false).
  • usesuper: Represents whether the user is a superuser or not via a boolean value.
  • userepl: Indicates whether the user can initialize replication or not via a boolean value.
  • passwd: User can specify the password in text format.
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This article has provided essential methods to show the details of users in PostgreSQL.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I show the list of users in PostgreSQL?
A: To show the list of users in PostgreSQL, you can use either the SQL Shell or pgAdmin. In the SQL Shell, execute the “du” statement to get the list of users. In pgAdmin, use the “SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user;” query to retrieve the user information.

Q: What information does the “du+” statement provide?
A: The “du+” statement in PostgreSQL provides additional information about the user’s roles, including attributes and descriptions.

Q: Can I use pgAdmin to show the list of users?
A: Yes, pgAdmin offers a graphical representation and allows you to execute queries. You can use the Query Tool in pgAdmin to run the “SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user;” query and display the list of users.


To show the list of users along with their attributes and descriptions in PostgreSQL, you can run the “du” and “du+” statements from the SQL Shell or use the “SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user;” query in pgAdmin. This article has provided all the essential methods to show user details in PostgreSQL. For more information, visit Eireview.