Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

Client-Server Network: Definition, Advantages, and Disadvantages

A client-server network is a form of internet network that consists of a single central computer functioning as a server and directing several other computers, referred to as clients. Clients can access shared files and information kept on the serving machine by connecting to the server. Furthermore, client-server networks are similar to peer-to-peer networks in principle, with the distinction that only the server may begin a transaction.

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

What is Client Server Model?

The client-server model describes how a server gives one or more clients access to resources and services. Mail servers, web servers, and file servers are examples of servers. Client devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, have access to the resources on each of these servers. Clients and servers often have a one-to-many connection, which means that a single server can supply resources to several clients at the same time.

When a client requests a connection with a server, the server has the option of accepting or rejecting the request. If the connection is accepted, the server builds and maintains a protocol-specific connection with the client. To send a message, for instance, an email client may demand an SMTP connection to a mail server. The mail server’s SMTP program will then request authentication information, such as the email address and password. The server will deliver the email to the designated recipient if the credentials match an account on the mail server.

The client-server architecture is also used in online multiplayer games. Blizzard’s Battle.net service, for instance, provides online games for World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Overwatch, and other Blizzard games. When users launch a Blizzard program, the gaming client connects to a Battle.net server automatically. Players may check who else is online, talk with other gamers, and play matches with or against other gamers after they join Battle.net.

While Internet servers may connect several clients at once, each physical system can only manage a certain amount of traffic. As a result, notable online services use a method known as distributed computing to disperse customers across numerous physical servers. Most of the time, it doesn’t matter which computer users are connecting to because all of the servers deliver the same service.

A client-server network can be implemented on a single computer system, although it is most typically used across many locations. Multiple computers or humans may now communicate and share information thanks to this technology. A client-server paradigm enables users to access a common or shared database or application as firms grow and people work together across huge distances. This is also true when people use the internet to access their bank accounts or pay bills. Users enter their requests into the bank’s server, and the server then relays the information to them.

The client-server model’s centralized design makes it simpler to safeguard data with access limits enforced by security policies, which is a substantial advantage. It also doesn’t matter if the clients and server are running the same operating system because data is exchanged using platform-agnostic client-server protocols.

One important disadvantage of the client-server approach is that if too many clients request data from the server at the same time, the server may get overloaded. In addition to generating network congestion, too many requests may result in a denial of service.

What are the Types of Client Server Computing?

There are numerous client-server architectures, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. The following are some of the most prevalent client-server architectures:

One-Tier Architecture:

One-Tier architecture is a basic program that runs on a single computer without network access. User requests do not control any network protocols; consequently, the code is simple and the network is alleviated of excess traffic.

Two-Tier Architecture:

Two-Tier architecture consists of a client, a server, and a protocol connecting the two tiers. The code for the Graphical User Interface resides on the client host, while the logic for the domain resides on the server host. The client-server graphical user interface is written in high-level programming languages such as C++ and Java.

Consider the client as a consumer who visits a fast-food restaurant and places an order directly with the cook (server) to better grasp this concept. The chef then prepares and serves the customer the cuisine. However, the process may become less effective if there are a large number of customers or if the consumer desires a more intricate meal.

Three-Tier Architecture:

The presentation tier is the User Interface layer, the application tier is the service layer that conducts detailed processing, and the data tier is a database server that stores data.

To better comprehend this architecture, think of the client as a restaurant patron who places an order with the waiter (application server). The waiter then contacts the culinary personnel (database server) to obtain the necessary ingredients and prepare the meals. This will increase the efficiency of the restaurant’s service system, as additional waiters and culinary employees will be able to serve more customers.

Microsoft MySQL Server is a well-known example of a three-tier architecture, with three main components: a protocol layer, a relational engine, and a storage engine. A SQL Server client must be deployed on all client devices that communicate directly to SQL Server. Microsoft’s Client-Server Runtime Process aids in the administration of the majority of graphical instruction sets on the Windows operating system.

N-Tier Architecture:

N-Tier architecture divides an application into logical layers, which segregate responsibilities and manage dependencies, and physical tiers, which run on separate machines, enhance scalability, and increase network latency. N-Tier architecture may be closed-layer, wherein a layer can only communicate with the layer below it, or open-layer, wherein a layer can communicate with all layers below it.

To better comprehend this, picture the client as a diner who frequents a restaurant with a well-established staff hierarchy. Each member of the staff has a particular function, such as host (presentation tier), server (application tier), and culinary staff (data layer). The host welcomes the customer and shows them to their table, the waiter takes their order and communicates it to the kitchen staff, and the kitchen staff delivers the food to the table. This enables for a more efficient and effective process, as each staff member has a specific function and can focus on their responsibilities.

What is a Client-Server Network?

A client-server network is a communications architecture in which clients receive resources and services from a dedicated host over a local area network (LAN) or a wide-area network (WAN), such as the Internet. A dedicated server called a daemon may be used to wait for client requests, at which point a network connection is established and maintained until the client request is completed.

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Client-to-server (north-south traffic) and server-to-server (east-west traffic) traffic are the two types of network traffic. E-mail, data sharing, printing, and the World Wide Web are all popular network services. A key advantage of the client-server network is the central administration of applications and data.

A client-server network facilitates data transmission while protecting the sent data. Using the network is a smart solution for businesses looking for quicker and more secure data transfer.

Client-Server Network

How Does a Client-Server Network Work?

Client-server networks are computer networks that employ a dedicated computer to store data, manage/provide resources, and control user access (server). The server connects all of the other computers in the network by acting as a hub. A machine that connects to the server is known as a client. Generally, client-server networks are preferred over peer-to-peer networks that lack a central server for network management.

Clients’ hardware is often a PC or other mobile device with network applications installed. The person on the opposite side of the computer uses the internet to submit a request to the server. The server, or data center, which lies on the server-side, contains a vast amount of data in files, databases, and programs.

The client-server network operates on the premise of a two-way street, in which the client concurrently submits requests and the server responds with an update and relevant responses to the queries. Because a client-server network has several clients and servers, network traffic can be substantial. Once the operation is finished, the server disconnects the client from the network to save bandwidth. As a result, the bandwidth efficiency of the client and server determines the speed with which results are provided. On the internet and in a local area network (LAN), such as in a corporation or organization, the client-server architecture can be used.

Clients commonly connect with servers through the TCP/IP protocol stack. TCP creates and maintains a connection until the application programs on both ends have finished exchanging messages as it is a connection-oriented protocol. It decides how to divide application data into network-deliverable packets, transmits and receives packets from the network layer, handles flow control, and retransmission of dropped or garbled packets, as well as acknowledgment all packets that arrive. TCP includes elements of Layer 4, the Transport Layer, and parts of Layer 5, the Session Layer, in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication architecture.

IP, on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol, which means that there is no ongoing connection between the communicating endpoints. Each packet of data that goes across the Internet is viewed as a separate unit of data with no connection to other units of data. (TCP is responsible for the packets being placed in the correct order.) IP is located in layer 3 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model, which is the Networking Layer.

What are the Components of Client-Server Network?

Client-server networks may consist of the following elements:

  • Server: A server is computer hardware or software that provides functionality to its consumers or users. IT professionals can utilize six distinct servers to establish a client-server connection, such as Database servers, Application servers, Web servers, Computing servers, Proxy servers, and DNS servers.
  • Client: IT professionals divide clients or server requesters into three categories: thin, thick, and hybrid. Thin clients rely on a server’s resources and processing capacity to execute many of a device’s core functions. Thick clients are devices that can independently process significant quantities of data and perform multiple duties. Hybrid clients are devices that are capable of processing data within their own systems, but rely on a server to retain data for larger or repetitive processing duties.
  • Load Balancers: Load balancers are responsible for distributing incoming queries across multiple servers in order to manage traffic and maximize resource utilization.
  • Network Protocols: In the client-server paradigm, network protocols are used to facilitate communication between consumers and servers. The typical TCP/IP protocol system employs a request-response messaging pattern for communication. It divides application data into network-deliverable packets and manages flow control. Once a TCP connection is established, it is maintained until the message exchange between the client and server is complete. The IP protocol is connectionless, which means that each independent unit of data traveling through the internet is unrelated to any other unit of data.

What are the Advantages of a Client-Server Network?

The client-server architectural concept has several advantages:

  • Centralization: A single server that houses all of the essential data in one location makes data security and user authorization and authentication control much easier. Any issue that arises throughout the whole network may be resolved in a single location.
  • Scalability: A client-server network may be expanded by adding network segments, servers, and PCs with little downtime. Client-server networks offer scalability. The number of resources, such as clients and servers, can be increased as needed by the user. Consequently, the server’s size may be increased without any disruptions. Since the server is centralized, there are no questions regarding access to network resources even as the size grows. As a result, just a small number of staff members are needed for the setups.
  • Easy Management: Clients and the server do not have to be close to access data effectively. It is really simple to handle files because they are all kept on the same server. The finest management for tracking and finding records of necessary files is offered in client-server networks.
  • Accessibility: The client-server system’s nodes are all self-contained, requesting data only from the server, allowing for simple upgrades, replacements, and relocation.
  • Data Security: The centralized design of a client-server network ensures that the data is properly safeguarded. Access controls can be used to enforce it and ensure that only authorized users are allowed access. Imposing credentials like a username and password is one such technique. Additionally, if the data were to be destroyed, it would be simple to restore the files from a single backup.

What are the Disadvantages of a Client-Server Network?

The client-server network has a few disadvantages:

  • Network Traffic Congestion: The main disadvantage of a client-server model is the danger of a system overload owing to a lack of resources to service all of the clients. If too many different clients try to connect to the shared network at the same time, the connection may fail or slow down. Additionally, if the internet connection is down, any website or client in the world will be unable to access the information. Large businesses may be at risk if they are unable to get important information.
  • High Cost: In client-server networks, the cost of setting up and maintaining the server is typically higher than the cost of running the network. The networks might be expensive to buy because of their strength. The users won’t all be able to afford them as a result.
  • Robustness: The whole network will be interrupted if the primary server experiences failure or interference. Client-server networks lack hence in terms of resilience since client-server networks are centralized.
  • Maintenance Difficulty: When the servers are put in place, they will run continuously, which implies they need to receive the necessary care. If there are any mistakes, they must be fixed right away without further delay. As a result, a qualified network manager should be hired to look after the server.
  • Unacquirable Resources: Not all of the resources on the server are available for acquisition. For instance, you cannot immediately print a document from the web or change any information stored on the client’s hard drive.
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Advantages Disadvantages
Centralization Network Traffic Congestion
Scalability High Cost
Easy Management Robustness
Accessibility Maintenance Difficulty
Data Security Unacquirable Resources

What are the Types of Servers?

Without realizing it, you’ve already used the client-server model if you’re reading this article right now. This webpage was provided by a web server after your request as the client for a resource. This is the typical design for current communications, where clients are provided with digital data by servers. Peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” is an alternative model that depends on computer connections to distribute data. A client-server architecture, in comparison to the P2P model, depends on a primary server computer or group of server machines linked to a network, generally in a data center. Clients, or ordinary computers linked to the internet or a local network, send packets to the server to request data from it. The server has three options when it gets these requests: accept the packet, refuse or “drop” the packet, or quietly end the connection. If a client sends a packet to a properly configured server on a different port, the server will usually drop the packets silently.

After briefly describing the general workings of client-server architecture, it is helpful to look at some of the most common types of servers used in computer networks and the broader information technology industry.

  • Web Server: These servers establish a connection between your computer and any saved data from an internet website. Information for the internet is stored on web servers and is obtained using “HTTP” code before being transferred to your web browser. One of the most popular server types is this one.
  • Virtual Machine (VM): Virtual machines only store and connect data in virtual spaces, as their title indicates. A hypervisor, commonly referred to as a virtual machine monitor (VMM), is software that allows IT teams to operate hundreds of virtual machines on a single piece of real hardware. Because they are the most economical sort of server to run, this server virtualization technique is commonly utilized for data transit and storage.
  • Proxy Server: Proxy servers operate as a bridge between a host server and a client. After passing via the proxy’s server, a proxy transfers data from a website to the IP address of your machine. Since the information is requested and then transported from the source to the proxy server rather than straight from a client to another user, this method offers an extra degree of protection. Numerous harmful internet activities can be blocked by a proxy server.
  • Application Server: Through virtual server connections, these servers link clients to software programs. This enables users to access programs without downloading data to their own devices. Application servers are the best choice for companies because they can efficiently host big volumes of application data for numerous users at once.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server: To transfer files from one computer to another, FTP servers are utilized. Downloaded files are extracted onto your device from the server, while uploaded files go from your PC to the server. To connect computers securely and transmit data, this process is known as the file transfer protocol.
  • Database Server: Database servers act as substantial data repositories that businesses may access and utilize to operate a variety of applications. Any database design is not necessary for a database server to function.
  • Mail Server: A mail server stores and delivers messages for users via platforms that provide email services. Users don’t need to run any software on their own devices to access their email since mail servers are configured to be connected to a network constantly.
  • File Server: Multiple users’ data files are kept on a file server. They enable quicker file writing to computers and faster data retrieval. When many users require access to files that are more readily and securely saved on a server than on a personal computer, enterprises frequently utilize this basic type of server.
  • Domain Name System (DNS) Server: These servers convert readable computer domain names into IP addresses written in computer code. The DNS server utilizes user-supplied search information to locate the requested address and send it to the client device.
  • Collaboration Server: A collaboration server facilitates connections when work has to be shared among several users. You may exchange and store files, programs, and other substantial amounts of data with these servers.
  • Gaming Server: To link users from all around the world, large gaming networks require servers. Multiplayer internet games are hosted by these servers.
  • Management and Monitoring Server: Servers for administration and monitoring perform a variety of tasks. They first take user requests, record them, and track digital transactions. Others only keep an eye on user activity and take no dynamic role in it. Network managers who examine network health to look for dangers or flaws in the system might use monitoring servers to respond to their requests.
  • Print Server: To print across a network, a print server establishes remote connections with nearby computers. Businesses now have the option of using a single printer to support a whole department thanks to these servers. When put in an office space, some printers even have their own built-in server that is prepared to connect to a network.

What are the Client and Servers in the Computer Network?

Clients are computer hardware or server software that makes requests for resources and services that a server makes available. Clients are often referred to as “service requesters”. Thick, Thin, or Hybrid client computing are the three categories.

  • Thick Client: A client that offers extensive functionality, does the majority of data processing on its own, and depends on the server only a little.
  • Thin Client: An application server handles the majority of the necessary data processing for a thin-client server, which is a lightweight computer that heavily relies on the resources of the host computer.
  • Hybrid Client: A hybrid client combines the elements of a thin client and a thick client. It may do local processing but must rely on the server to keep persistent data.
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A device or computer program that serves as a hub for other components or programs is known as a server. A server is any computerized system that a client may access or utilize to share resources and distribute tasks. Typical servers include the following:

  • Application Server
  • Computing Server
  • Database Server
  • Web server

What are the Differences Between Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a decentralized communication architecture where every network node has an equal capacity and may act as both a client and a server. In peer-to-peer computing, nodes pool their resources and instantly communicate with one another. The peer-to-peer communications protocol uses an algorithm to balance the load, making other peers accessible to cover for any resource failures and rerouting requests as the load capacity and peers’ availability change. The capability to grow the network to handle a large number of customers is a key benefit of peer-to-peer networking. The server is the central node that connects with other client nodes in client-server networking, a centralized communications model. The capacity to handle data and programs on one centralized server is a key benefit of client-server relationships over peer-to-peer relationships.

Similarities between a peer-to-peer network and a server-client network include devices’ ability to connect to the network via cable, fiber, or wireless technology, as well as network-building infrastructure such as switches and hubs. Moreover, the same types of devices can connect to each network, such as mobile phones, desktops, and gaming consoles. In addition to this, both networks support network printing when available, as long as a network-capable printer is connected.

Peer-to-peer and server-client network architectures are notably distinct from one another. A peer-to-peer network is quite rudimentary. It is typically a tiny network, suitable for locations such as homes or small offices. Two or more computers (typically with a printer) are connected to a network switch or a router/modem, then from the switch or router, into a modem, and from the modem into an ISP cloud, giving you access to the internet. Additionally, each device should be able to communicate via email and messaging. In contrast to a server-client network, each device connected to a decentralized network typically has complete freedom over the network and is generally unregulated.

The advantages of a peer-to-peer network include simplicity of use and the ability to readily see what other devices are doing. Most peer-to-peer networks are incredibly simple to use, as there is no server to go through or anything else. In addition, they are straightforward to set up, as they only require a few cables to be connected.

In contrast, peer-to-peer networks have the following disadvantages: it is cumbersome to constantly monitor the traffic traveling through the network. There is typically no maintenance, and it would be very simple for a malicious actor to gain access to the network.

The advantages of a client-server network over a peer-to-peer network include increased network security, more control over network traffic, the ability to see what each computer is doing, limit certain actions, and prevent the spread of viruses, as well as the amount of data storage available to each computer on the network. Typically, in a client-server network, the server can provide significantly more storage space than most external storage devices that could be connected to the network.

However, client-server networks have disadvantages as well. For instance, client-server networks are expensive, and maintaining a client-server network is a time-consuming task, as you must update software, check the network for problems such as viruses, and maintain a separate room for the servers, as they tend to get quite hot. This contributes to the network’s physical security, but excellent software security is required. Consequently, both physical and software security can be a burden.

Client-Server Network Peer-to-Peer Network
Clients and servers are distinguished Clients and servers are not distinguished
Data is stored on a central server Each participant has their own data
Sharing of information is the main emphasis Connection is the main focus
Network traffic can be managed more efficiently Less management needed
Cost is higher Less expensive
More reliable Less reliable
Suitable for small and big networks Suitable for small networks

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a client-server network?
A: A client-server network is a communications architecture in which clients receive resources and services from a dedicated host over a local area network (LAN) or a wide-area network (WAN), such as the Internet. It allows for central administration of applications and data.

Q: What are the advantages of a client-server network?
A: The advantages of a client-server network include centralization, scalability, easy management, accessibility, and data security.

Q: What are the disadvantages of a client-server network?
A: The disadvantages of a client-server network include network traffic congestion, high cost, robustness, maintenance difficulty, and unacquirable resources.

Q: What are the types of servers used in client-server networks?
A: Some common types of servers used in client-server networks include web servers, virtual machines, proxy servers, application servers, file transfer protocol (FTP) servers, database servers, mail servers, file servers, domain name system (DNS) servers, collaboration servers, gaming servers, management and monitoring servers, and print servers.

Q: How does a client-server network work?
A: In a client-server network, a dedicated server provides resources and services to clients. Clients send requests to the server, and the server responds with the requested data or performs the requested task.

Q: What are the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer networks?
A: Client-server networks have a centralized architecture, with a server providing resources and services to clients. Peer-to-peer networks have a decentralized architecture, with each node having equal capacities and acting as both a client and a server. Client-server networks offer increased network security, control over network traffic, and more storage space, while peer-to-peer networks are simpler to use and set up.


Client-server networks offer numerous benefits, such as centralization, scalability, easy management, accessibility, and data security. However, they also come with drawbacks, including network traffic congestion, high cost, robustness issues, maintenance difficulties, and limitations on resource acquisition. The types of servers used in client-server networks are diverse and cater to different needs, from web servers to mail servers and database servers. Understanding the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer networks is essential in choosing the right network architecture for your needs.