Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Delete an Additional Profile on Facebook

In this post, we will show you how to delete an additional Profile on Facebook. Facebook has introduced a multi-profile feature that allows users to create up to four additional profiles alongside their main account. These profiles can represent different aspects of their lives, such as interests, hobbies, or communities they are part of.

If you have already created additional profiles on Facebook, it is important to know how to deactivate or delete them. This way, you can easily remove any extra or unwanted profiles from your account.

How to Delete an Additional Profile on Facebook

You can delete additional Facebook profiles individually or delete your entire Facebook account to remove all associated profiles. Keep in mind that deleting a profile will permanently delete all its data after 30 days. If you’re unsure about deleting, you also have the option to temporarily deactivate the profile. Changes made to your additional profiles will not affect your primary account.

Deactivate an Additional Facebook Profile

When you deactivate a profile, all its data becomes invisible to you and other users on Facebook. However, people in your deactivated profile’s friend list may still see the profile name and any messages you sent using that profile.

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To deactivate a Facebook profile, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Facebook account using your main profile’s credentials.
  2. Click on your profile picture icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Go to Settings & privacy > Settings.
  4. In the left panel, click on the See more in Accounts Centre link under the Meta Accounts Centre section.
  5. Then click on Personal details under Accounts settings.
  6. In the right panel, click on the Account ownership and control option.
  7. A popup will appear. Click on the Deactivation or deletion option.
  8. In the next popup, select the profile you want to deactivate.
  9. Select Deactivate additional Facebook profile and click on the Continue button.
  10. Re-enter your password for security reasons.
  11. On the next screen, select a reason for deactivation and click on the Continue button.
  12. Based on your response, Facebook may suggest solutions to help you eliminate the reason for deactivation. If you still want to deactivate the profile, click on the Continue button.
  13. It may also show you an option to automatically reactivate your account in up to 7 days.
  14. Finally, click on the Deactivate my profile button to deactivate the additional profile.

Reactivate an Additional Facebook Profile

If you have chosen not to automatically reactivate the profile, you can reactivate it manually at any time. To reactivate an additional Facebook profile, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Personal details section under Meta Accounts Centre using the steps explained above.
  2. Click on the Account ownership and control option.
  3. In the following popup, select Reactivation > [Profile_name] and then click on the Reactivate button.
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Delete an Additional Facebook Profile

Profile deletion is a permanent action that cannot be undone. This means that if you choose to delete an additional profile, you will not be able to retrieve any information shared using that profile. The messages sent via Messenger will also be deleted. However, you have the option to obtain a copy of your profile data before deleting the profile.

To delete your additional Facebook profile, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Account ownership and control option under Personal details of your Account settings using the steps explained above.
  2. When you click on the option, a popup will appear.
  3. Select Deactivation or deletion > [Profile_name] > Delete additional Facebook profile.
  4. Click on the Continue button to proceed further.
  5. Select a reason for deletion on the next screen.
  6. Facebook will suggest some tips to help you eliminate the cause of deletion. Click on the Continue button.
  7. The next screen will show you options to switch to profile deactivation rather than deletion, save unwanted posts to archive, or download your profile data if you have decided to delete the profile.
  8. When you’re done, click on the Continue button.
  9. Facebook will prompt you to re-enter your password, after which you can confirm the profile deletion by clicking the Delete Profile button.
  10. After this, Facebook will schedule your profile for permanent deletion. You have 30 days to cancel the deletion and reactivate your profile. After 30 days, your profile will be deleted, and you won’t be able to retrieve any information.
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That’s how you delete an additional profile on Facebook. We hope you find this guide useful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I remove a Facebook account from my device?
A: You can temporarily deactivate or delete your Facebook account on Android or iPhone. Open the Facebook app on your Android phone/iPhone and log in to your account. Tap the three-lined menu icon on the home screen. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings. Then select Account ownership and control > Deactivation and deletion. Select Deactivate/Delete account and click on the Continue button. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the Facebook account from your device.


Deleting an additional profile on Facebook is a straightforward process that can help you manage your online presence effectively. Whether you choose to deactivate or delete a profile, make sure to consider your options carefully before proceeding. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily remove any unwanted profiles and maintain control over your online identity.

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