Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

How to Uninstall Google Drive for Mac

Google Drive for Mac has been a popular choice for users looking for an alternative to Apple’s iCloud+ storage service. With its 15GB storage limit for personal use, it provides a free cloud storage solution that meets the needs of many users. However, for those who require more storage, Google offers another service called Google One.

If you have been using Google Drive but plan to switch to iCloud, you may need to uninstall Google Drive from your Mac. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to do so.

Some Important Things to Know First About Google Drive

Before uninstalling Google Drive from your Mac, it’s important to understand how it works. When you install the Google Drive Desktop app on your Mac, it syncs with your Google account. This means that any files or photos you add to your Google Drive folder on your Mac will be uploaded to the Google Drive servers in real time. It’s essential to disconnect Google Drive from your Google account before removing it completely.

How to Uninstall Google Drive for Mac

To uninstall Google Drive for Mac, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the Google Drive icon in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Select “Quit” to exit the app. If Google Drive for Mac remains open, force quit it by clicking the “Apple Menu > Force Quit”. Select “Google Drive” and click “Force Quit”.
  3. Open the Finder app, then right-click on “Google Drive”.
  4. Click “Move to Trash” from the contextual menu.
  5. Empty the Trash immediately.
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While uninstalling Google Drive, you may also want to remove other Google apps that were installed along with it, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides, if you won’t be using them.

Remove Google Drive for Mac App Leftovers

When you install Google Drive for Mac, it creates additional files necessary for running the app. These files will remain on your Mac unless you remove them as well. Follow these steps to remove app leftovers from Google Drive for Mac:

  1. Open the Finder app.
  2. Press “Command + Shift + G” to open the “Go to Folder” dialog.
  3. Type “~/Library/” in the dialog and press Enter.
  4. In the search bar, type “Google Drive” and locate any files related to Google Drive.
  5. Delete these files.
  6. Empty your Mac’s Trash.

Repeat the same process for the following sub-folders on your Mac:

  • ~/Library/Preferences
  • ~/Library/Caches
  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
  • ~/Library/Application Support
  • ~/Library/StartupItems
  • ~/Library/PreferencePanes
  • ~/Library/Saved Applications State
  • ~/Library/LaunchDaemons

That’s it! You have successfully removed the Google Drive app and its leftovers from your Mac.

Bonus Tip: How to Reinstall Google Drive on Mac

If you change your mind and decide to use Google Drive again in the future, you can reinstall the app. The good news is that when you uninstall and delete the Google Drive app, your files will still be stored in the Google Drive cloud servers. Reinstalling Google Drive for Mac and syncing it with your Google Account will allow you to access your previous files on your Mac using the Google Drive app.

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To reinstall Google Drive for Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Download the app from the Google website.
  2. Open the downloaded “GoogleDrive.dmg” file.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions, which may include signing in to your Google Account through a browser window.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I recover my files after uninstalling Google Drive?
A: Yes, all your files are stored in the Google Drive cloud servers. Reinstalling Google Drive and syncing it with your Google Account will restore access to your files on your Mac.

Q: How much storage does Google Drive offer?
A: Google Drive provides 15GB of free storage for personal use. If you require more storage, you can upgrade to Google One.


Uninstalling Google Drive for Mac is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily remove the app from your Mac and free up storage space. Remember to uninstall any other Google apps that were installed with Google Drive if you won’t be using them. And if you change your mind in the future, you can always reinstall Google Drive and access your files again.