Monday, 1 Jul 2024

Filters on Photos: How to Remove?

Have you ever wondered how to remove filters from photos? Whether it’s those trendy Instagram filters or the fun ones on Snapchat, we’ve all been there. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to remove filters from your pictures and bring them back to their original state. So if you want to learn all about how to remove filters from pictures, then this article is for you. Keep reading!

What Are Filters? (6 Most Common Types)

Before we dive into the process of removing filters, let’s first understand what filters are and what they do to a photograph. In essence, a photo filter is software that automatically edits a photograph. It can change the lighting, colors, shapes, and even the entire structure of the image to create different effects and aesthetics.

#1 Lighting and Color Filters

The most common filters you’ll come across are the ones that change the lighting and colors of a photo. These filters can adjust parameters such as brightness, contrast, exposure, shadows, and more. They can also completely transform the colors in a photo, creating black and white or vintage looks. The options are endless, and it’s all about altering the general aesthetic.

#2 Doodling

Doodling filters allow you to draw directly on your photos. You can add hand-drawn messages, images, or any artistic element you desire. These filters are all about fun and expression, giving you a creative way to personalize your pictures.

#3 Shape Filtering

Shape filtering is a unique type of filter that can change the shape of items or objects in a photo. You can stretch, squish, or warp elements to create interesting visual effects. This type of filtering is often used to create blur or focus effects, especially in nighttime photography.

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#4 Restructuring

Filters in the restructuring category completely transform your photos into something entirely different. For example, using a portrait filter can render your photo as an oil painting on a canvas. There are also abstract filters that turn your pictures into dot images or mosaics. The possibilities are vast, and experimenting with these filters can lead to some truly unique results.

#5 Typing

Typing filters use a typeset to add printed text to your photos. They allow you to create your own cards, motivational posters, or any composition that benefits from text overlay. The carefully typed characters give a different presentation to your photos, adding a touch of sophistication.

#6 Face Altering

Face altering filters are widely popular and commonly used on social media platforms. These filters can alter facial features, remove blemishes, and even change skin and hair tones. With powerful face altering filters, you can give your photos a completely different appearance, sometimes making the person in the photo look unrecognizable.

How Do You Remove Filters From Pictures? (4 Systems)

Now that you have a better understanding of filters, let’s explore how to remove them from your pictures. The process differs depending on whether you applied the filters yourself or received a filtered photo from someone else.

#1 Removing Filters You Applied – iPhone

If you took a photo using an iPhone, removing the applied filters is relatively easy. Open the photo and tap on “edit.” Look for the option with three overlapping circles to access the built-in filters. Simply choose the “Revert” option to remove the filter. Alternatively, you can select the “original” filter to go back to the unfiltered version.

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#2 Removing Filters You Applied – Android

For Android users, you can use the Google Photos app to edit your photos. Just open the photo with the app, and it will provide you with a range of editing options, including the filters. To remove the filter, tap the “revert” button, and the original photo will be restored.

#3 Removing Filters You Applied – Instagram

When using Instagram, you can apply various filters to your photos before sharing them. To remove the filters, you can simply deselect any applied filters while in the editing process. However, once you have shared the photo on Instagram, the filters become a permanent part of the image and cannot be removed. In such cases, you can try using third-party apps to restore the original appearance.

#4 Removing Filters You Applied – Snapchat

Snapchat also allows you to apply filters to your photos. While creating a Snap, you can scroll through the available filters and choose the one you like. If you want to remove the filter after taking the Snap, open it and tap the three dots to access editing options. Choose the “no filter” option to remove the applied filter.

What If You Didn’t Take the Picture?

Removing filters from photos you didn’t take can be more challenging, as you don’t have access to the original photo data. In such cases, third-party apps specialized in removing filters can be helpful. However, it’s important to note that these apps cannot truly restore the original photo. Instead, they make educated guesses based on the filtered image to give you an approximation of the original appearance. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, your best option is to try and obtain a copy of the original photo from the person who took it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Now, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about removing filters from photos.

  1. Can I remove filters from photos I edited myself?
    Absolutely! If you edited the photo yourself, using the same app that applied the filter will allow you to remove it easily.

  2. Can I remove filters from photos shared on Instagram?
    Unfortunately, once you have shared a photo on Instagram, the filters become permanent and cannot be removed. Third-party apps may help restore the original appearance.

  3. Are there apps that can fully restore the original photo after a filter is applied?
    No, due to the absence of original data, no app can truly restore the original photo. However, specialized apps can approximate the original appearance.

  4. What if I want to remove a filter from a photo that was never mine?
    In such cases, using third-party apps is your best option. These apps can help remove certain types of filters, but the results may vary depending on the complexity of the applied filter.


Removing filters from photos is an essential skill that allows you to restore the original appearance of your images. Whether you applied the filters yourself or received a filtered photo from someone else, understanding the different methods and tools available can help you achieve the desired results. Remember to use the appropriate apps for your device and explore third-party solutions when needed. Happy filtering and unfiltering!

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