Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

Field Notice: UCSC Series Default Password Configuration Change Recommended


If you own a C-Series server manufactured between November 17, 2015, and January 6, 2016, you might encounter an issue with the default password for the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC). We are here to guide you through the recommended configuration change to resolve this problem.

Problem Description

A number of C-Series servers have been shipped with a non-standard default password, which prevents access to the CIMC unless the correct password is provided. The default admin password “password” has been changed to “Cisco1234” for units manufactured between November 17, 2015, and January 6, 2016. This change might lead to customers being unable to log in to their C-Series servers.


Workaround #1 (Recommended)

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system using the alternate password “Cisco1234.”
  2. Change the password to a known password of your choice.

Workaround #2

If the recommended workaround does not work for you, you can try the following alternative solution:

  1. Connect a crash cart to the system.
  2. Power on the system and use the F8 menu to reset the CIMC to factory defaults or change the admin password.

Field Notice

Workaround #3

Note: This workaround assumes that the CIMC is online and the IP address is known.

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For customers who used DHCP to IP the CIMC(s), you can use the XML API to log in to one or more systems and change the password. Follow this sample script:

  1. Download the IMC PowerTool module from the IMC PowerTool website.
  2. Save and run the downloaded file as a .ps1 file.
    • Import-Module CiscoImcPs
    • $multiimc = Set-ImcPowerToolConfiguration -SupportMultipleDefaultImc $true
    • $imclist = Read-Host “Enter Cisco IMC IP or list of IMC IPs separated by commas”
    • [array]$imclist = ($imclist.split(“,”)).trim()
    • $user = ‘admin’
    • $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “Cisco1234” -AsPlainText -Force
    • $cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $pass
    • $out = Connect-Imc -Credential $cred $imclist
    • $newpass = “password”
    • Get-ImcLocalUser -Id 1 | Set-ImcLocalUser -Pwd $newpass -Force | Out-GridView
    • $out = Disconnect-Imc

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the issue with the default password for the UCSC series units?

A: The UCSC series units manufactured between November 17, 2015, and January 6, 2016, were shipped with a non-standard default password, preventing access to the CIMC.

Q: How can I reset the CIMC to factory defaults?

A: If the recommended workaround doesn’t work, you can connect a crash cart to the system and use the F8 menu to reset the CIMC to factory defaults.

Q: Can I use the XML API to change the password?

A: Yes, if you used DHCP to IP the CIMC(s), you can use the XML API to log in to one or more systems and change the password.


Ensure you are able to access your C-Series server’s CIMC by following the recommended configuration change. Remember to choose a secure password and keep it confidential. For further assistance or any questions regarding this issue, feel free to contact the Cisco Systems Technical Assistance Center (TAC) via the available methods.

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