Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Oracle EOM/OCSM Admin Account Suspended?

Have you encountered the frustrating message “Account is suspended” when trying to log in to your Oracle Enterprise Operations Monitor (EOM) admin account? Don’t worry, there is a simple solution to fix this issue. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to resolve the problem and regain access to your EOM admin account.

Fixing the Account Issue

If you have access to the underlying Linux OS shell via SSH, you can use the “root” account to fix the suspended admin account. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Linux OS shell using SSH (e.g., Putty or Terminal).
  2. Switch to the “root” account or another privileged level account.
  3. Run the following MySQL command:
mysql vsp -e "update users set disabled=0, login_attempts=NULL where user_name='admin';"

These commands will disable the account suspension and reset the login attempts, allowing you to log in again with the admin account.

Resetting the Admin Password

If you have forgotten the admin password, you can reset it back to the original “oracle” password. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Linux OS shell using SSH.
  2. Switch to the “root” account or another privileged level account.
  3. Run the following MySQL command:
mysql vsp -e "update users set digest=md5('admin:oracle') where user_name='admin';"

After running this command, the admin account’s password will be reset to “oracle”. You can now log in with the admin account using the new password.

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Resetting the Platform Setup Application (PSA) “sysadmin” Account

Unfortunately, the above steps won’t work for resetting the default credential of the PSA “sysadmin” account. To reset the password, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to the EOM/MEC server via SSH using the root account or another privileged level account.
  2. Access the MySQL shell by running the following command:
mysql psa
  1. Reset the password with the following command:
update users set password="$2a$10$fBoNsTg2Cu8nyBKa7fyvYukHxc3R6UYguJ/FSEe4N.UPKhg38xf42" where name="sysadmin";
  1. Once the password is reset, log in to the PSA using the “sysadmin” account with the password “oracle”. You will be prompted to reset the password upon logging in.

If you are still unable to access your account after following these steps, we recommend raising a Service Request with Oracle TAC through the My Oracle Support portal or by contacting Oracle TAC directly.

Update: Mediation Engine Connector (MEC) Reset Details

In addition to the steps mentioned above, there are slight differences in resetting the local admin password for the Mediation Engine Connector (MEC) application. Here’s how you can reset the admin password and unlock the admin account:

  • Reset Admin Password:

    • Run the following MySQL command:
    mysql pldmaster -e "update users set digest=md5('admin:oracle') where user_name='admin';"

    Note that this will only reset the admin password on the MEC. Once you log in, you will be prompted to set a new password, which will then update on the MEC and any subsequent EOM/OCSM servers connected to it.

  • Unlock Admin Account:

    • Run the following MySQL command:
    mysql pldmaster -e "update users set disabled=0, login_attempts=NULL where user_name='admin';"
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Please note that for the MEC application, the switch is “pldmaster” instead of “vsp”.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Coming soon…


In this article, we have addressed the issue of a suspended admin account in Oracle EOM and provided step-by-step instructions to fix the problem. We have also covered the process of resetting the password for the admin account and the specific steps for resetting the Platform Setup Application’s “sysadmin” account and the Mediation Engine Connector (MEC) application’s admin account. By following these instructions, you should be able to regain access to your admin account and continue using Oracle EOM/OCSM without any hassles.

If you have any further questions or encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to reach out to Oracle TAC for assistance.

Remember to stay updated with the latest technology trends by visiting Eireview.