Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

Control the Sort Order of Gmail Entries with Multiple Login Accounts

gmail usernames list


Have you ever struggled to find the right Gmail login account from a long list of options? If so, you’re not alone. This article explores a couple of features that would greatly enhance our Gmail experience.

The Challenge with Multiple Logins

Many of us use G-Suite for business purposes, but we also have several free Gmail accounts that we use for various services. When we log into Gmail, we are presented with a long list of Gmail logins stored in 1Password. Scrolling through dozens of accounts can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when the desired account is buried somewhere in the middle or at the bottom of the list.

The Current Login Process

Currently, when we log into Gmail, the first screen prompts us to enter our email address. After clicking next, we are directed to a second screen that displays the email address we entered and a password field. Unfortunately, this initial screen does not provide any information to 1Password about which specific account we want to access.

Proposed Solutions

While rearranging the list of entries on the fly may prove challenging for visually-oriented individuals, we believe there are alternative solutions that would greatly improve the Gmail login experience. Here are two options we propose:

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1. Parse the Second Login Screen

On the second login screen, the username is displayed above the password entry field. This information could be used by 1Password to automatically select the correct login option. By parsing the username on this screen, we can eliminate the need to scroll through the entire list of logins.

2. Set a Default Login

Another possible solution is to allow users to set a default login for services that have multiple logins stored. For example, if we could designate our G-Suite login as the default for all Google services, it would appear at the top of the list consistently. This way, our most frequently used login would always be easily accessible, and we could quickly find it without having to search through numerous accounts.

Help Us Improve

We understand that navigating through a long list of logins can be a hassle, especially when time is of the essence. If you’re facing similar challenges, we appreciate your support in requesting one of the following features:

  1. Read the Email Address off the Second Gmail Login Screen: By extracting the email address from the second login screen, 1Password can offer the login specific to that account, streamlining the login process.

  2. Allow Users to Set a Default Login for Services with Multiple Logins: Enabling users to set a default login would significantly enhance the Gmail experience, ensuring quick and easy access to their most frequently used account.

We are constantly seeking ways to improve our service, and your feedback is invaluable.

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Best regards,


1Password Version: 6.8.1 (681006)
Extension Version:
OS Version: Both OS X and Windows
Sync Type: Not Provided