Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Zip Files in Google Drive and Delete Identical Files?

Are you looking for a solution to zip files in your Google Drive? Google Drive is one of the most commonly used cloud storage and syncing platforms worldwide. It offers many great features for storing, collaborating, and editing documents and files. However, compressing and extracting zip files is not a built-in function in Google Drive.

But worry not! We have some better alternatives to save your time and easily zip files in Google Drive.

Possible Scenarios

Before we explore the solutions, let’s discuss some scenarios where you might need to zip files in Google Drive.

Backup files before editing them in Google Drive

Backing up your data is crucial, and the same goes for your cloud files. For example, when collaborating with others on a project, you might want to take a backup before sharing your document. Collaborating with multiple people on one file can sometimes lead to data loss or mistakes. Having a backup ensures you can recover your original data no matter what.

Easily share large files with friends and family

If you frequently share files with others, particularly large files, zipping them first can help save online storage and internet bandwidth. Large files can consume a significant amount of internet bandwidth, while zipped versions are easily downloadable.

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Organize your files

Compressing multiple files into a single zip archive can help you better organize them. For example, if you are a traveler with hundreds of thousands of photos accumulated over the years, creating multiple zip archives for each new place you explore can save storage space and make it easier to locate files. With less clutter, search results become more efficient.

ZIP Files in Google Drive Using Third-party Plugin

One third-party solution is ZIP Extractor, available for free download from the Google Chrome Store. ZIP Extractor provides all the file compression features you would expect from Google Drive.

With ZIP Extractor, you can open zip files directly in your Google Drive without downloading the file. You can also extract the contents of zip files, view file previews, extract individual items from the archives, and update the zip archive.

Here’s how you can use ZIP Extractor:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser and log in to your Gmail account.
  2. Visit the Zip Extractor download page on Google Workspace Marketplace.
  3. Click on “Install.”
  4. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted by Gmail.
  5. Open your Google Drive home folder.
  6. Click on the “New” icon on the upper left.
  7. Select “More,” followed by “Zip Extractor.”
  8. After clicking on Zip Extractor, the extension will open a new tab with multiple zipping options.

Open an existing zip file from Google Drive

  • Select the option “Open Zip from Google Drive.”
  • In the new dialog, type the name of your zip file and click on the Find icon.
  • Choose your zip file and click “Select” to confirm.
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Create a new zip file

  • Click on “Create New Zip.”
  • Type a name for your new zip file.
  • Click on “Add Files to Zip” and add files from your local hard disk. Use the “Add from Drive” button to add files stored on your Google Drive.
  • To password-protect your zip, click on “Add Password” (optional).
  • Click on “Save Zip to Drive” to proceed.

Delete Identical Zip Files in Google Drive

Scanning your cloud account for duplicate zip and other files regularly can help you get rid of digital clutter and free up precious storage space. Cloud Duplicate Finder is a browser-based application that can help you in this task.

Here are some distinct features of Cloud Duplicate Finder:

  • Mass-platform compatibility
  • Easy to use, fully automated
  • Browser-based, no need to install any software
  • Algorithm-based scanning with 100% accuracy
  • Scan filters to choose desired file types to scan
  • In-house file previewing functionality, no need to download files to preview
  • Automatic file selection in groups based on different criteria
  • Detailed scan history
  • Allows moving duplicates to another folder or the Trash folder

With Cloud Duplicate Finder, you can easily identify and delete identical zip files in your Google Drive account.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I zip files directly in Google Drive without using third-party plugins?
    No, Google Drive does not have built-in functionality for zipping files. You will need to use third-party plugins like ZIP Extractor.

  2. Is ZIP Extractor safe to use?
    ZIP Extractor is a trusted extension available on the Google Chrome Store. Be sure to download it from a reputable source.

  3. Can I password-protect the zip files created with ZIP Extractor?
    Yes, you can add a password to protect your zip files created with ZIP Extractor.

  4. Do I need an internet connection to scan my files with Cloud Duplicate Finder?
    Yes, Cloud Duplicate Finder is a browser-based application, so you will need an internet connection to scan your files.

  5. Can I choose specific file types to scan with Cloud Duplicate Finder?
    Yes, Cloud Duplicate Finder allows you to apply scan filters and select specific file types to scan for duplicates.

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Zip files in Google Drive provide a convenient way to manage and share files. Although Google Drive itself does not have native zip functionality, third-party plugins like ZIP Extractor can help you achieve this. Additionally, tools like Cloud Duplicate Finder can assist in identifying and deleting duplicate zip files to free up storage space. By using these solutions, you can enhance your experience with Google Drive and optimize your file management workflow.

Remember to always rely on trusted sources when installing plugins and regularly scan for duplicate files to keep your Google Drive organized and clutter-free.

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