Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

Plex Media Player no longer supported

With the rapid advancements in technology, it’s not uncommon for software applications to evolve or become obsolete. One such example is the Plex Media Player, which is no longer supported. If you are a Plex user, this information is crucial to ensure you are up to date with the latest developments.

Understanding the situation

Plex Media Player was once a popular choice for streaming and organizing media files. However, the company has decided to discontinue its support. This means that you will no longer receive updates or bug fixes for this particular software.

This decision might have been influenced by several factors, including the constant evolution of technology and the introduction of new features and functionalities in other Plex applications. Although this may come as a disappointment, it’s essential to adapt to these changes and explore alternative options.

Exploring alternative solutions

Even though Plex Media Player is no longer supported, the Plex ecosystem offers various other applications that can fulfill your media streaming needs. These alternatives include:

  • Plex Web App: This browser-based application allows you to access your media library conveniently and easily from any device with an internet connection. It provides a user-friendly interface and is regularly updated with new features.

  • Plex for Smart TVs: If you prefer a more traditional TV viewing experience, the Plex app for Smart TVs is an excellent choice. With this application, you can enjoy your favorite media directly on your television screen, providing a seamless streaming experience.

  • Plex for Mobile: For those who are always on the go, Plex provides a mobile app that lets you access your media library from your smartphone or tablet. Whether you’re commuting or traveling, you can enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, and music wherever you are.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why did Plex discontinue support for Plex Media Player?
A: The decision to discontinue support for Plex Media Player was likely driven by various factors, including technological advancements and the introduction of alternative applications within the Plex ecosystem.

Q: Can I still use Plex Media Player even though it’s no longer supported?
A: While Plex Media Player may still function, it’s important to note that you will no longer receive updates or bug fixes. It is recommended to explore alternative Plex applications for the best user experience and access to new features.

Q: Will my media library be affected by the discontinuation of Plex Media Player?
A: No, your media library will not be affected by the discontinuation of Plex Media Player. Your media files and metadata will still be accessible through other Plex applications.

Q: How can I migrate from Plex Media Player to an alternative Plex application?
A: Migrating from Plex Media Player to an alternative Plex application is a seamless process. You can simply install the desired application on your preferred device, sign in with your Plex account, and your media library will be readily available.


As technology continues to evolve, so do the applications we use to enhance our entertainment experiences. Although Plex Media Player is no longer supported, the Plex ecosystem provides a range of alternative applications that cater to different preferences and devices.

By exploring these alternatives and embracing the changes, you can continue to enjoy your media library seamlessly. Remember to stay updated with the latest Plex news and updates to make the most of their innovative features. For more information about Plex and its offerings, visit Eireview.

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