Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

V Shred Review: Is it Worth the Hype?

shred it reviews

Chances are a V Shred ad has popped up somewhere on your computer in the past few months. So, now you’re wondering is it worth it? Is it everything it says it is? I spent $47 on the Fat Loss Extreme For Her plan so that I could give you a thorough review on whether or not it’s worth it.

Spoiler: it’s not.

What is V Shred?

V Shred is a fitness program that has multiple different workout plans and meal guides that are designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. The company markets mainly through YouTube ads that feature Vince Sant co-founder of the company. As you can see, he’s also usually shirtless in most of the ads. The program is designed to help you shed fat through simple fixes. It claims that if you follow the program you’ll easily be able to lose weight.

What the Fat Loss Extreme For Her Program Includes

For $47, you get a 90 day workout and meal plan designed to help you lose fat. The program includes:

  • 3 months of gym / at home workouts
  • A web app to help you burn fat fast
  • How-to videos for each exercise
  • A customized diet plan
  • An easy-to-follow-calendar
  • Fast & easy 15 min HIIT cardio workouts
  • Access to a private Facebook group
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So no, there’s no real big secret! The workouts are simple with exercises like high knees, side plank hip raises, rollover crunches, etc. Each workout starts with a simple 5 minute cardio warm-up and then includes 5 exercises you repeat 4-6 times for a total of 15 minutes.

On your account page you also have the meal plan section. The first step is to figure out how many calories you should be eating based on super simple calculations that involve your age, weight, and height. Nothing else. Next, they give you 10 different options each for breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner (with recipes included).

Is V Shred Worth It?

Personally, I don’t think V Shred is worth it. At all. However, I also don’t think it’s a scam. It’s pretty much a bare bones, one size fits all, exercise and meal plan. Can V Shred help you lose weight? Definitely! But it’s not a quick fix or an easy solution to a tough problem. There’s a big gap between what V Shred is advertising versus what you actually get. After you sign up for a program, you’re led to believe that you’re going to get in on some secret weight loss plan that will be easy to follow. You’re not. That’s just not how weight loss works! They also demonize certain foods and exercises and constantly try to upsell you.

But Why is V Shred Popular?

V Shred relies heavily on their marketing strategy – a strategy that they’ve nailed down. Throughout the process of exploring their website they make you feel as if they are talking to YOU specifically. He targets individuals who are desperate to lose weight and have failed previously, so when he says things like, “I understand just how you feel,” he makes it seem like he’s been there and has come out the other side. His marketing also relies heavily on demonizing things that people often find hard in the weight loss process. He uses this tactic to show that weight loss can be enjoyable and easy, but only if you follow his program. So why is it so successful if it has plenty of negative reviews? Well, V Shred’s marketing technique heavily relies on playing to his audience’s troubles and claiming he can easily fix their problems. The vast majority of his audience is people who have tried to lose weight in the past, found it too hard, and failed.

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What Can I Do Instead?

Instead of purchasing another plan that claims it has the secret to weight loss, I recommend asking yourself why you’re struggling in the first place. Is it lack of time? Not sure what exercises to do? Struggling with diet? Depending on what you’re struggling with, there’s plenty of free resources out there that are incredibly helpful. YouTube is an amazing resource for workouts if you don’t know where to start, and you can find meal plans and recipe inspiration from various websites and social media platforms. There’s also plenty of lifestyle factors that can impact weight loss, so if you feel like you’re doing everything right, but still struggling, I highly recommend consulting a doctor. And most importantly, I recommend looking at eating healthier and working out as a lifestyle change that will benefit you in the long-term, not a quick fix!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is V Shred a scam?

A: No, V Shred is not a scam. However, it may not live up to the unrealistic expectations set by their marketing.

Q: Are the workouts and meal plans personalized?

A: No, the workouts and meal plans provided by V Shred are not personalized. They are generic plans that may not cater to individual needs and preferences.

Q: Can V Shred help me lose weight?

A: Yes, V Shred can help you lose weight if you follow the program diligently. However, it is not a quick fix or an easy solution.


In conclusion, V Shred may not be worth the hype. While it can help you lose weight if followed correctly, the program falls short in delivering the personalized and effective experience that its marketing claims. Instead, consider exploring free resources and making sustainable lifestyle changes that suit your unique needs and preferences. Remember, achieving your fitness goals is a journey, and it’s important to find an approach that works for you.

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