Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Enable YouTube Restricted Mode on Computer or Phone

We all know that the internet is a vast treasure trove of information, but it can also be a dangerous place, especially for young minds. YouTube, in particular, is filled with hateful comments and inappropriate videos that we definitely do not want our children to stumble upon. Thankfully, Google has provided a solution in the form of YouTube Restricted Mode, previously known as Safety Mode. In this article, we will guide you on how to enable Restricted Mode to make YouTube safer for kids.

What is YouTube Restricted Mode?

YouTube Restricted Mode is a parental control feature designed to filter out objectionable content from the video sharing network. It takes into consideration the feedback of other users who have reported inappropriate content, age restrictions, and signals indicating potentially inappropriate material. While it may not be 100% accurate, enabling Restricted Mode helps to avoid most objectionable content and comments.

Enable YouTube Restricted Mode on Computer

Enabling YouTube Restricted Mode on your computer browser is a simple process. However, it’s important to note that the Restricted Mode is tied to the browser you are using. If you have multiple browsers or multiple user accounts in browsers like Chrome, you will need to enable Restricted Mode separately for each of them. Follow these steps to enable Restricted Mode on any browser:

  1. Open YouTube.com on your computer browser and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  2. Click on the “Restricted Mode” option.

  3. Turn on Restricted Mode and click on the option “Lock Restricted Mode on this browser”.

    Note: Saving the Restricted Mode without locking it allows anyone using the browser to turn it off, which is not a secure solution.

  4. Login to your Google account. The Restricted Mode will be tied to your Google account, and anyone who wants to turn it off will need to enter your Google account password.
    YouTube Restricted Mode Login Google Account

  5. Once done, Restricted Mode will be turned on. You can log out of your Google account or leave it as it is. If you try to turn off Restricted Mode, Google will prompt you to login.

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Enable Restricted Mode on Your Phone

Enabling Restricted Mode on the YouTube app is also straightforward. On Android, follow these steps:

  1. Open the YouTube app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu button located on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Settings”.
  4. Go to “General” and enable “Restricted Mode”.
    Enable YouTube Restricted Mode Android

On iPhone or iPad, the process is slightly different:

  1. Open the YouTube app on your iOS device.
  2. Go to “Settings”.
  3. Tap on the first option labeled “Restricted Mode Filtering”.
  4. Select the “Strict” option.
    Enable YouTube Restricted Mode iPhone

Although Restricted Mode is available on the YouTube app, it is not as secure as the web version. It is not device-specific and can be easily disabled in the settings. To ensure a safer viewing experience for your kids, consider using the YouTube Kids app or parental control apps available for Android.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How effective is YouTube Restricted Mode?
A: While YouTube Restricted Mode filters out most objectionable content, it may not be 100% accurate. It considers community feedback, age restrictions, and signals indicating inappropriate material.

Q: Does YouTube Restricted Mode work on all devices?
A: Yes, YouTube Restricted Mode can be enabled on both computers and smartphones, but it is important to note that the level of control may vary.

Q: Can Restricted Mode be easily turned off by anyone?
A: No, once you enable Restricted Mode, it is tied to your Google account. To turn it off, someone would need to enter your Google account password.

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Q: Are there other ways to make YouTube safer for kids?
A: Yes, apart from Restricted Mode, you can consider using the YouTube Kids app or installing parental control apps on your devices.


YouTube Restricted Mode is a powerful tool that allows you to make YouTube safer for kids by filtering out objectionable content and comments. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can enable Restricted Mode on both your computer and smartphone. Remember, while Restricted Mode is effective, it may not be 100% accurate. Therefore, it’s important to stay vigilant and use additional tools such as the YouTube Kids app or parental control apps for a safer viewing experience.