Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

5 Exciting New Features Coming to Google Shopping

what can local catalog ads do?

Good news for ecommerce advertisers! Google has recently announced several new features for Google Shopping, along with updates on its Shopping Actions program. These exciting additions were unveiled at the Search Marketing Expo Advanced, and today we will take a closer look at these changes and their implications for marketers.

Expansion of affiliate location extensions

One of the new features introduced by Google is the expansion of affiliate location extensions. When consumers see your ad on Google, the affiliate location extension informs them about nearby retailers that carry your product. By clicking on your ad, consumers can view a map with the relevant retailers and obtain directions to their stores. This tool is designed to help your business capture local consumers who are looking for quick and readily available solutions.

This feature has also been extended to video ads on YouTube. While watching an ad, viewers now have the option to get directions to the nearest retailer that carries your product. According to Google, affiliate location extensions have increased click-through rates on TrueView in-stream and bumper ads by over 15%.

New local catalog ads

Google is rolling out new local catalog ads to Display advertisers by the end of the month. These ads feature a simple format, with a hero image followed by a scrollable product catalog. Consumers can easily access information about pricing and availability, making it an interactive and convenient way to showcase your products and drive foot traffic to nearby retailers.

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As an example, the successful Spring 2018 promotional series by Boulanger, a prominent electronics and appliance retailer in France, featured a catalog ad. This campaign resulted in 20,000 visits to Boulanger stores and an impressive 42x return on investment (ROI).

Local inventory ads and new local feeds partnership program

Google shoppers who click on your local inventory ad will be directed to a Google-hosted landing page called the local storefront. This page provides information about in-store product availability, store hours, directions, and related details. Previously, retailers needed to set up their own local inventory feeds to run local inventory ads. However, Google has now launched a new program that allows retailers to partner with point-of-sale (POS) and inventory data providers. This partnership enables retailers to connect their data providers directly to Google, ensuring that the necessary sales and inventory data for inventory ads are accurately reported.

Additionally, retailers who connect their data providers to Google can display their local inventory on the search knowledge panel under the “See What’s in Store” feature.

Competitor pricing information

Google Ads (previously known as AdWords) for Shopping advertisers will soon have access to competitor pricing information. This new feature allows Shopping advertisers to view the pricing information of their competitors for the same products. Armed with this information, advertisers can adjust their bids to improve their competitiveness in the market.

For example, if you are a Shopping advertiser selling sneakers and you discover that you are pricing your products lower than your competitors, you can increase your Shopping bid for sneakers to attract more buyers. Conversely, if you are unable to reduce the price of your sneakers to compete with other sellers, you can lower your bid to spend less on ads that are less likely to convert.

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Shopping Actions program

Launched in March, the Shopping Actions program is Google’s response to Amazon’s increasing dominance in the ecommerce marketplace. This platform allows retailers to sell their products to consumers across Google Search, Google Express, and Google Assistant. Consumers can conveniently use a universal shopping cart that combines orders from different retailers and different media devices such as mobile, desktop, and voice.

Unlike Google Ads, which operates on a pay-per-click system, Shopping Actions is a pay-per-sale platform. Retailers only pay Google when a transaction is completed. Three months after its launch, 70 retailers are already using Shopping Actions, and Google has announced several benefits that retailers can expect in return for the fee, including more clicks, more conversions, lower cost-per-click (CPC), and lower cost per conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I use the affiliate location extension feature on Google?
A: To utilize the affiliate location extension feature, you need to have your product available in physical stores. By doing so, consumers can find nearby retailers that carry your product when they see your ad on Google. This powerful tool helps you reach local consumers who are searching for immediate solutions.

Q: Can I display my local inventory on the search knowledge panel?
A: Yes, by connecting your data providers to Google, you can showcase your local inventory on the search knowledge panel under the “See What’s in Store” feature. This allows potential customers to easily view and access your products when searching on Google.

Q: How does the Shopping Actions program benefit retailers?
A: The Shopping Actions program provides a platform for retailers to sell their products across multiple Google platforms. By participating in this program, retailers can enjoy benefits such as increased clicks, more conversions, lower CPC, and lower cost per conversion. Additionally, retailers only pay Google when a transaction is completed, making it a cost-effective option for driving sales.

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These exciting new features coming to Google Shopping offer ecommerce advertisers enhanced opportunities to reach their target audience and drive sales. The expansion of affiliate location extensions, the introduction of local catalog ads, and the inclusion of competitor pricing information empower advertisers with valuable tools to optimize their campaigns. Furthermore, the Shopping Actions program enables retailers to capitalize on Google’s vast reach and streamline the shopping experience for consumers.

As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for brands like Eireview to stay informed about these advancements and how they can be leveraged to enhance their online advertising efforts. With Google’s continuous innovation, marketers can expect even more exciting features in the future, providing endless possibilities for connecting with customers and achieving business success.

To learn more about the Eireview brand and stay updated with the latest technology trends, visit Eireview.