Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

How to Create and Leverage Facebook Carousels for Business Growth

Social media advertising has become increasingly competitive, making it crucial for marketers to stay on top of the latest trends and create ads that capture people’s attention. One effective ad format that can help you stand out on Facebook is the Carousel. In this article, we will explore what Facebook Carousels are, why you should use them in your social media strategy, and how to create your own Carousel posts.

What Are Facebook Carousels?

A Facebook Carousel is an ad format that allows users to swipe through up to 10 photos and videos, similar to flipping through a gallery. It is also available on Instagram as a standard post format, making your posts more engaging and dynamic. According to Facebook, Carousel ads have proven to be more effective than other ad formats, resulting in a decrease in cost-per-conversion and cost-per-click.

Facebook Carousel

Why Use Facebook Carousels in Your Social Media Strategy

As the online marketing landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential to keep up with the latest trends. Here are the main reasons why you should incorporate Facebook Carousels into your social media strategy:

  • Promote your business
  • Show off multiple products
  • Highlight the features of a product
  • Encourage active engagement
  • Drive sales

A. Promote Your Business

Facebook Carousels are visually compelling and designed for mobile viewing, making them effective in reaching and engaging with mobile users. Moreover, Facebook’s targeting options allow you to optimize audience reach based on demographics, interests, behaviors, or previous interactions, increasing the ad’s relevance and effectiveness.

Facebook Targeting Options

B. Show Off Multiple Products

With Facebook Carousels, you can showcase multiple products in a single ad. Each card in the Carousel can feature a unique product from your store, allowing you to provide captivating images and direct links to the product’s landing page.

PatriziaPepe Carousel

C. Highlight the Features of a Product

Utilize multiple Carousel cards to showcase different features of your product, creating a narrative that highlights how each feature contributes to its overall benefit. Each card can have its headline, description, and call-to-action button, allowing you to provide impactful descriptions of the features being showcased.

D. Encourage People to Actively Engage

Carousel ads encourage people to engage with them by requiring them to click or swipe to view the additional cards. Each interaction with your ad is tracked by Facebook’s algorithms as engagement with your content. Create enticing Carousels that entice users to keep scrolling, like the example below by Booking.com:

Booking.com Carousel

E. Drive Sales

Facebook Carousels enable you to group related products, increasing the chances of users finding something they are interested in. They are also useful for retargeting campaigns, reminding users about products they have previously shown interest in. By suggesting related products or upselling higher-value items, you can encourage users to add additional items to their original purchase or choose a more premium option.

3 Ways to Create a Carousel Post on Facebook

Creating Carousel posts on Facebook is straightforward. You can create them from:

  • Meta Business Suite
  • Your Facebook page
  • Ads Manager

A. How to Create a Facebook Carousel from the Meta Business Suite

To create a Facebook Carousel from Meta Business Suite, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Business Manager, expand the menu from the left side of the screen, and click on “Ads.”
  2. Click the “Get started” button.
  3. Choose to create a new ad.
  4. Select your ad goal.
  5. Customize your target audience, placements, and budget in the Ad Set section.
  6. Add a headline, description, call-to-action button, and a website URL for your ad.
  7. Review your ad and make any necessary changes.
  8. Click “Promote now” from the bottom-right corner to launch your ad.
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Meta Business Suite Carousel

B. How to Create a Facebook Carousel from Your Facebook Page

If you prefer not to use Business Manager, you can create Carousel posts directly from your Facebook page. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your page, tap on “Promote,” and create a new ad.
  2. Choose “Get more website visitors” as your objective.
  3. Type a description for your ad in the “Description” field.
  4. Click “Select media.”
  5. Upload or choose existing images/videos for your Carousel cards. Arrange them in your preferred order.
  6. Optionally, fill out the “Headline” field for each card and use the arrow buttons to navigate between cards.
  7. Select a call-to-action for your button from the “Button label” dropdown.
  8. Input the destination URL in the “Website URL” field.
  9. Adjust the rest of your ad settings and payment details.
  10. Tap “Promote now” to launch your ad.

Facebook Page Carousel

*Note: Both Business Manager and your Facebook page let you preview your Carousel on desktop and mobile. However, editing capabilities for Carousel drafts are limited, so make sure to get the visuals, links, headlines, and order right the first time.

C. How to Create a Facebook Carousel from Ads Manager

For more versatility in your ad campaign, Ads Manager is the way to go. Here’s how to create a Carousel ad on Facebook using Ads Manager:

  1. Configure your ad campaign, including the desired advertising objectives.
  2. Go to the ad level and choose the Carousel format in the ‘Ad Setup’ section.
  3. Write up to five captions for Facebook to display in the main text field of your ad.
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Ad Creative’ section, where you can select images and add a call-to-action button.
  5. Choose one of three options for creating your Carousel: Manual Ad Carousel, Automated Ad Carousel, or Dynamic Ad Carousel.

1. Manual Ad Carousel

Select the Manual Ad Carousel option if you want full control over the content and text on each card. With this option, you can include up to 10 images or videos and customize the headlines, descriptions, URLs, and URL parameters for each card. You can manually arrange the cards or let Facebook automatically display the top-performing cards first. Additionally, you can add an extra card at the end with a link to your website.

Target Manual Ad Carousel

2. Automated Ad Carousel

If you have a Facebook catalog, you can connect it to the Carousel feature to automatically populate the cards with relevant products. This allows you to display product-specific information, such as the product name or brand in the headline, and the product price or short description in the description field. You can also include an intro card at the beginning of the Carousel to set the context for your promotion.

adidas Automated Ad Carousel

3. Dynamic Ad Carousel

To further automate the process, create a dynamic Carousel by linking a catalog and a product set to your campaign. This enables Facebook’s algorithm to optimize the format and destination of your Carousel. You can include product data in the headline, primary text, and description fields, automatically populating the Carousel copy with relevant product information.

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TemuEurope Dynamic Ad Carousel

After creating your Carousel, you can publish it right away, schedule it for a later date, or save it as a draft. Edits and updates to paid Carousels can be easily done in Ads Manager.

Note About Facebook’s Carousel Format

Before creating your Carousels, make sure to review the format requirements set by Facebook:

  • Number of Cards Required for Facebook Carousels:

    • Minimum: 2
    • Maximum: 10
  • Facebook Carousel Ad Text Limits:

    • Primary text length: max. 125 characters
    • Headline length: max. 25 characters
    • Link Description max length: max. 20 characters
  • Facebook Carousel Image Sizes:

    • Supported formats: JPG or PNG
    • Maximum file size: 30MB
    • Text limit: <20%
    • Ratio: 1:1
    • Image/thumbnail size: >1080 x 1080px
  • Facebook Carousel Video Sizes:

    • Supported formats: MP4 or MOV
    • Maximum file size: 4GB
    • Maximum video length: up to 240 minutes

10 Best Practices and Ideas for Facebook Carousel Posts

To make the most out of your Facebook Carousel posts, consider these best practices and ideas:

  1. Use your best-performing Facebook content in your Carousel ads.
  2. Grab attention with the first image in your Carousels.
  3. Avoid using boring stock photos.
  4. Keep the headlines short and compelling.
  5. Maintain consistency throughout the Carousel.
  6. Combine static images with videos for a dynamic experience.
  7. Promote blog articles using Carousel ads.
  8. Showcase reviews or social proof.
  9. Use Carousel ads in multiple placements to increase visibility.
  10. Analyze ad performance using Ads Manager and iterate accordingly.

1. Use Your Best-Performing Facebook Content in Your Carousel Ads

Leverage your best-performing organic content by using it in your Carousel ads. SocialBee’s advanced analytics tools can help you identify which posts resonate most with your audience. Use this insight to populate your Carousels with content that has a proven track record, maximizing engagement and conversions.

SocialBee Analytics

Start your 14-day free trial of SocialBee today and make data-driven content decisions.

2. Grab Attention with the First Image in Your Carousels

The first image in your Carousel is crucial for capturing your audience’s attention. Use bold colors, high-quality images, or intriguing visuals to entice your audience to scroll through the rest of the Carousel. Avoid using generic stock photos and opt for custom or unique visuals that align with your brand.

3. Keep the Headlines Short

Convey your key message or benefit clearly and concisely in your Carousel headlines. Use powerful language to capture the reader’s interest and limit your headlines to 3-5 words whenever possible. Emphasize the unique selling points of your product or service and include actionable language to encourage immediate engagement.

4. Maintain Consistency Throughout the Carousel

While each card in your Carousel can have a different focus or message, ensure consistency in terms of branding. Use the same color scheme, fonts, and overall aspect to create cohesive and visually appealing Carousel posts that reinforce your brand identity.

5. Combine Static Images with Videos

Adding videos to your Carousel ads can add a dynamic element and capture the attention of your audience. Consider incorporating short videos that highlight key features or demonstrate your product in action, complementing the static images.

6. Use Facebook Carousel Ads to Promote Blog Articles

Carousel ads can also be used to drive traffic to your blog articles. Feature enticing visuals related to your article’s topic and include brief snippets of the content. This generates curiosity and encourages users to click through to read the full article.

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7. Share Reviews or Social Proof

Utilize Carousel ads to showcase positive reviews or social proof. Feature testimonials from satisfied customers, ratings, or awards to boost your credibility and encourage potential customers to make a purchase.

8. Use the Same Facebook Carousel Ad in Several Placements

Maximize the reach of your Carousel ads by using them in multiple placements. Facebook allows you to select multiple ad formats, such as for the News Feed, Instagram, or Audience Network. This broadens your audience and increases the visibility of your Carousel posts.

9. Measure Ad Performance Results in the Ads Reports Tool

To optimize the effectiveness of your Carousel ads, utilize the Ads Manager tool to gain insights into their performance. Analyze reach, engagement, and conversions to refine your Carousel posts and achieve better results.

10. Use Both Carousel and One-Image Ads in the Same Campaign

To test which format resonates best with your audience, consider using both Carousel and one-image link ads in your campaign. Experimenting with different ad formats keeps your strategy dynamic and flexible, providing engaging content for your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many images or videos can I include in a Facebook Carousel?
A: You can include a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 images or videos in a Facebook Carousel.

Q: What are the limits for the text in Facebook Carousel ads?
A: The primary text can have a maximum length of 125 characters, the headline can have a maximum of 25 characters, and the link description can have a maximum of 20 characters.

Q: What are the image requirements for Facebook Carousel ads?
A: Supported formats for images are JPG or PNG, with a maximum file size of 30MB. The image or thumbnail size should be greater than 1080 x 1080px, and the image should contain less than 20% text.

Q: Are videos supported in Facebook Carousel ads?
A: Yes, you can include videos in Facebook Carousel ads. The supported formats are MP4 or MOV, with a maximum file size of 4GB and a maximum length of up to 240 minutes.

Q: Can I use the same Facebook Carousel ad in different placements?
A: Yes, you can select multiple placements for your Carousel ads, such as the News Feed, Instagram, or the Audience Network. This allows you to reach your target audience across different platforms and maximize the visibility of your Carousel posts.

Q: How can I measure the performance of my Facebook Carousel ads?
A: Use the Ads Manager tool to access valuable insights into the reach, engagement, and conversions of your Carousel ads. Analyze the data to refine your Carousel posts and achieve better results.

Q: Should I use both Carousel and one-image ads in my campaign?
A: Yes, using a combination of Carousel and one-image ads in the same campaign allows you to test which format resonates best with your audience. It also provides variety and engaging content for your audience.


Facebook Carousels are a powerful tool for businesses to promote their products, showcase their features, and encourage engagement. By utilizing the various creative options and following best practices, you can create compelling Carousels that drive business growth. Don’t forget to measure the performance of your Carousel ads and iterate to achieve better results. Start leveraging Facebook Carousels in your social media strategy today and take your business to new heights.

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