Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

15 Subreddits That Help You Improve Your English

Reddit has been around since 2005, but many people are still unaware of how useful it can be. The majority of subreddits – Reddit communities organized around a particular interest or topic – are great places where people exchange ideas and knowledge for free. One of the best ways to learn or improve a language is to simply communicate with other speakers, which is why Reddit makes a good practice ground for language learners.


Although there are dedicated subreddits for various languages, you’ll make the most of Reddit if you’re looking to improve your English. The majority of content posted to Reddit is written in English, and there are several subreddits devoted to the beauty, intricacies, and problems of the English language. Whether you’re a native speaker, a linguist, someone who wants to expand their vocabulary, or a student looking for help, you’re sure to find a subreddit that suits your interests.

Improve Your Vocabulary and Pronunciation

1. /r/Vocabulary


Browse the pages of this subreddit and you might stumble upon an English word you’ve never heard before. The words and their definitions usually make up the title of a post, so you can get the gist of a word at a quick glance. More in-depth discussions are centered around possible uses of a word, and you can also find links to online quizzes that test your knowledge of the English vocabulary.

2. /r/Words


This subreddit welcomes word-lovers of all languages, but most discussions are about English words. /r/Words is a more active community than /r/Vocabulary. Here you can ask questions about synonyms and search for different ways to express thoughts and ideas. Intermediate-to-advanced level speakers will find this subreddit particularly useful since word-related questions are a great exercise in recalling and connecting previously learned word definitions.

3. /r/Logophilia


Logophilia is a subreddit for unusual, rare words that might have fallen out of use, but are still interesting and good to know. The format is similar to the /r/Vocabulary subreddit: users should post a word and its definition with a link to an online dictionary entry. They can also post “requests” for a word with a certain meaning or ask about less common synonyms of a word they want to use.

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4. /r/JudgeMyAccent


If you’re not afraid of strangers on the Internet judging your voice, you can post a sound recording of yourself speaking English on /r/JudgeMyAccent. Of course, the subreddit is open to speakers of all languages. It’s quite a direct way to get feedback on your English pronunciation. All you have to do is upload a recording to Vocaroo or SoundCloud and wait for others to chime in with advice on how to improve your accent.

Find Study Partners

5. /r/AlienExchange


Instead of chatting with everyone at once, you might prefer sharpening your English skills in one-on-one conversation. Subreddits like /r/AlienExchange and /r/Penpals are just the right place to find a person to talk to. You can focus on language practice and look for people with the same interest or find someone to chat about anything and see where it takes you. Of course, all users are expected to behave politely, so make sure to follow the subreddit rules.

6. /r/StudyPals


There are many benefits to studying in groups, even when you’re learning together online. /r/StudyPals extends the idea of finding a language learning partner to other subjects, so you can join a group of Biology, Math, or History students. It’s also a place where you can offer to help others with a subject you’re good at and get advice on a subject or a particular problem you’re struggling with.

7. /r/LanguageExchange


/r/LanguageExchange and /r/LanguageBuds are subreddits made specifically for language learners who want to communicate with native speakers of a language they’re learning. Both communities are very active and attract bilingual and multilingual people ready to help others with speaking, writing, and vocabulary skills. You’re expected to state which languages you’re proficient in, as well as your proficiency level according to the Common European Framework of Reference. This makes it easier for people to form study groups and pairs. There are many users offering help with English, so if you have something to offer in return, you should definitely check out these two subreddits.

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Ask For Help

8. /r/WhatsTheWord


We’ve all experienced that cursed tip-of-the-tongue moment at least once. /r/WhatsTheWord is a subreddit where you can ask for help when you know the definition of a word or when you know what you want to say, but don’t know the word for it. Basically, the subreddit serves as a crowdsourced reverse dictionary.

9. /r/Proofreading


The /r/Proofreading subreddit is a place you can turn to if your friends are too busy to proofread your text. Simply share the text on Google Docs, allow others to comment on it, and let them know if there’s a deadline before which the text has to be checked. Subreddit rules are somewhat strict, so you shouldn’t post homework or anything that directly tests your English knowledge, but job application letters and creative writing are perfectly fine.

10. /r/Grammar


The /r/Grammar subreddit welcomes everyone who wants to know more about English grammar, get advice about word usage, syntax, and word formation, as well as find links to grammar-related articles and learning resources. It can be helpful to all English speakers regardless of their proficiency.

Learn More

11. /r/EnglishLearning


This subreddit is a good starting point for beginner-level students of English. Here you can ask about word meanings, phrase usage, pronunciation, writing advice, and tips on how to pass English exams. The community is slightly less active than others, but you can still find someone willing to help you.

12. /r/Linguistics


/r/Linguistics can be particularly valuable to university students majoring in language studies, as it’s a community where linguists exchange knowledge and resources about all languages. You can learn about the history of language, its dialects, and phonology, as well as participate in discussions about the relationship of language and society.

13. /r/Language


/r/Language is a community open to speakers of all languages. Most people come here to ask for help in identifying the language in which something is written. You’ll also find links to insightful articles about languages in this subreddit.

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14. /r/IELTS


Communities like /r/IELTS and /r/EnglishTutoring provide lesson plans, word lists, and tips for IELTS preparation. You can directly contact people who have taken the test, ask them about their experience, and get support and encouragement.

15. /r/Etymology


/r/Etymology is the place you’ll spend many hours if you find yourself pondering about the origin and meaning of words. You can ask about word meanings and their fluctuations throughout history, and find links to external resources about etymology. For visual representations of language connections, check out /r/EtymologyMaps.

As you start exploring these subreddits, you might be put off by Reddit’s appearance. Try one of many mobile Reddit apps to have your English learning tools with you on the go.

Another benefit of Reddit is that you don’t have to register for an account to access the content. However, if you want to participate in discussions, you’ll need a free account.

Using Reddit as a way to improve your English might not be everyone’s cup of tea. On the other hand, participating in English-related subreddits is probably the easiest way to get in touch with other language learners and native speakers. Although it could never replace the classroom experience or a personal English tutor, we think that Reddit is still worth a shot.

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In conclusion, Reddit offers a vast array of subreddits dedicated to improving your English language skills. From vocabulary and pronunciation to finding study partners and asking for help, there is something for every learner. While Reddit should not replace traditional language learning methods, it can be a valuable supplement to practice and engage with other English speakers. So why not give it a try and explore the subreddits mentioned above? You never know what new knowledge and connections you may gain along the way.