Tuesday, 2 Jul 2024

The History of Heroines of Jericho Grand Correspondence

The Order of Heroines of Jericho, an auxiliary of ancient craft Masonry, has a rich and storied history that dates back to the early 20th century. Its origins can be traced to Ohio, where several courts were listed as early as 1908. These included Vashti Court No. 1 in Cincinnati, Heroine Court No. 2 in Nelsonville, Ruth Court No. 5 in Toledo, Sarah Court No. 6 in Cambridge, Esther Court No. 9 in Zanesville, and Valley Court No. 23 in Rendville. The Grand Court consisted of Courts in Pennsylvania and Ohio. The modern era of Heroines of Jericho in Ohio began in 1971.

At the 103rd Grand Convocation of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, a recommendation was made to adopt the Heroines of Jericho as an auxiliary. Upon receiving permission from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, the Order of Heroines of Jericho was officially organized. The process of establishing Courts in Ohio began in collaboration with the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan.

The first court organized was Prince White Court No. 8 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was inaugurated in January 1973, operating under the jurisdiction of Michigan. Other courts followed, including Cuyahoga Court No. 9 in Cleveland, Dayton’s Burning Bush UD, El Zerubabble Court UD in Akron, and Ruth Court No. 13 in Toledo. These courts all operated under the jurisdiction of Michigan.

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In February 1974, the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan journeyed to Columbus, Ohio to constitute Burning Bush No. 10, Rollin F. Kelley Court No. 11, and Zerubabble Court No. 12. Heroine Birdie Stallworth and Knight Leon Gay presided over the constitution ceremony.

The grand moment for the Heroines of Jericho in Ohio came in September 1974 when a meeting was held to discuss the formation of a Grand Court. On September 21st, the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan journeyed once again, this time to Toledo, Ohio, where they constituted and inaugurated the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho for the state of Ohio.

The Charter Courts designated by the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Ohio were Prince White Court No. 1 in Cincinnati, Cuyahoga Court No. 2 in Cleveland, Burning Bush Court No. 3 in Dayton, Rollin F. Kelley Sr. Court No. 4 in Columbus, El Zerubbabel Court No. 5 in Akron, and Ruth Court No. 6 in Toledo.

The Grand Court of Ohio installed its officers, including Most Ancient Grand Matron Donester G. Barksdale, Most Worthy Grand Joshua Kenneth E. Lewis, Vice Ancient Grand Matron Martha Thompson, Deputy Grand Joshua Leonard Robertson Sr., Grand Treasurer Eugene Morton, Grand Secretary Jacqueline Young, Grand Senior Attendant Elizabeth Russell, Grand Junior Attendant Alice V. Kelley, Grand Chaplain Donald Alexander, and 1st Grand Court Director William Long.

Over the years, several other courts were established, including Excelsior Court UD in Youngstown, which became Excelsior Court No. 7 in 1977, and Floyd C. Churchwell Court No. 8 in 1988.

The outstanding contributions and efforts of many members led to the establishment of the Grand Court of Ohio. Past Grand Officers who played pivotal roles include Most Ancient Grand Matrons Bernice Neal, Amanda Transue, Gladys Mitchell, Lillian Robinson, and Eugenia Wilson, and Most Worthy Grand Joshuas Paul Woodring Sr., Michael R. Wilson, Jesse L. Russell, Robert B. Oglesby, and Eugene Morton.

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The tradition of excellence continued in the Grand Court of Ohio, with Knight Foster Stringer serving as General Grand Conference Most Worthy Grand Joshua from 1991 to 1993, and Heroine Arlene Bolden serving as General Grand Conference Most Ancient Grand Matron from 2001 to 2002.

The Heroines of Jericho have a strong presence in Ohio, thanks to the dedication and hard work of its members. The Grand Court of Ohio continues to uphold the principles and values of the order, enriching the lives of its members and making a positive impact within the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Order of Heroines of Jericho?

A: The Order of Heroines of Jericho is an auxiliary of ancient craft Masonry that has a long history dating back to the early 20th century.

Q: When did the modern era of Heroines of Jericho begin in Ohio?

A: The modern era of Heroines of Jericho in Ohio began in 1971.

Q: Who granted permission for the Order of Heroines of Jericho to be organized in Ohio?

A: Grand Master Samuel Brogdon Jr. of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio granted permission for the Order of Heroines of Jericho to be organized in Ohio.

Q: Which courts were inaugurated under the jurisdiction of Michigan?

A: Courts such as Prince White Court No. 8 in Cincinnati, Cuyahoga Court No. 9 in Cleveland, Burning Bush UD in Dayton, El Zerubabble Court UD in Akron, and Ruth Court No. 13 in Toledo operated under the jurisdiction of Michigan.

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Q: When was the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Ohio constituted and inaugurated?

A: The Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Ohio was constituted and inaugurated on September 21st, 1974.

Q: Who were the first officers of the Grand Court of Ohio?

A: The first officers of the Grand Court of Ohio included Most Ancient Grand Matron Donester G. Barksdale, Most Worthy Grand Joshua Kenneth E. Lewis, Vice Ancient Grand Matron Martha Thompson, Deputy Grand Joshua Leonard Robertson Sr., Grand Treasurer Eugene Morton, Grand Secretary Jacqueline Young, Grand Senior Attendant Elizabeth Russell, Grand Junior Attendant Alice V. Kelley, Grand Chaplain Donald Alexander, and 1st Grand Court Director William Long.

Q: Who served as the General Grand Conference Most Worthy Grand Joshua and Most Ancient Grand Matron from the Grand Court of Ohio?

A: Knight Foster Stringer served as General Grand Conference Most Worthy Grand Joshua from 1991 to 1993, and Heroine Arlene Bolden served as General Grand Conference Most Ancient Grand Matron from 2001 to 2002.


The Heroines of Jericho have left an indelible mark on the state of Ohio. From their early beginnings to the establishment of the Grand Court of Ohio, the dedication and hard work of its members have ensured the growth and success of the order. As they continue to serve their communities and uphold the values of their craft, the Heroines of Jericho are a shining example of excellence and commitment. Learn more about the Order of Heroines of Jericho at Eireview.